Update 3/27/21: Looks like this deal will be ending on 4/11/21. Although this deal has been available for years, so good chance it just gets auto extended
Update 11/4/20: Some people also seeing this offer when logged in, not to be confused with the NLL offer which has $15,000 in spend.
Update 6 (6/17/2020): This is working again for many readers as per comments. Remember the Business Platinum also gets some additional credits currently.
Update 5 (12/14): Seems like this is being more freely offered again with a number of readers confirming they were able to get this deal. Of particular interest is that some readers called in, were told the offer was not available only to be called back at a later time and offered the deal (‘call back offer’). As always this is highly YMMV.
Update 4 (07/30): Some reps are stating that this offer will expire on July 31st, 2018. I suspect this isn’t the case as this method has worked since 2014 but just warning readers in case this is accurate. The deal doesn’t really get better than this so might as well get it now if you can.
Update 3 (07/26): It looks like a better number to call is (recent DP: 1, 2, 3). Goodluck.
Update 2: Two readers have reported recent success, so this might be possible to do again. As always YMMV.
Update: It looks like this might no longer work. If you try and are successful (or unsuccessful) then please let us know in the comments section. Also don’t forget to follow us on twitter so you’re the first to hear about deals like this in the future.
This post was originally published on April 8th, 2014. We’re republishing it as a number of other bloggers have recently posted about the standard 40,000 point offer. This is because it’s near the end of the year and the airline credit posts on a calendar year, meaning if you apply now it’s possible to get it once this year and then again starting in January.
Usually the sign up bonus for the American Express Business Platinum Card is only 40,000 membership rewards points. Some people have managed to get 100,000 points, here’s how they were able to do so:
- Call 855-407-0599 or 1-800-971-6736 (or 1-800-669-6736 if that doesn’t work)
- Choose option 1, “apply for a new card”
- You’ll be redirected to a customer service representative.
- You should be offered a 100,000 point business Platinum offer. In some cases you’ll need to allude to previously having received a mailer that has now expired.
You should be able to do this even if you haven’t received this offer before, but some reps might not extend the courtesy to you. If this happens, call back and try again another time and hope you get a different representative.
Our Verdict
This is basically as good of a deal as this card offers. The $595 annual fee can be off putting but for most people the benefits make up for that. If you value membership rewards points at 1¢ per point then this bonus is worth $1,000.
Hat tip to ukinny2000 from flyertalk
View Comments (621)
The only # of the 3 posted that works now is 1-800-669-6736 (1-800-NOW-OPEN) option 1. The other 2 say disconnected. They just had the 120k/$15k spend offer that's public online.
I called 855-407-0599 (press 2) for a friend today and the current offer is 150K MR points after spending 15K in 3 months.
With no lifetime language still?
Searched for "business platinum" and got the 100K/15K spend offer (no fee waiver).
Link appears to work outside of incog too:
[this is the google link you can also search yourself, not a referral].
I got an offer mailed to me for AMEX Business GOld at 80K. To me that is a better deal. Ill take that deal for one of my companies who doesnt use AMEX right now
The $20 in statement credits for shipping purchases and $20 in statement credits for wireless charges on cellular purchases for business platinum card is one time credit or recurring monthly credit?
Didn’t those end in December?
I'm seeing a 110k/$15k offer via my referral (referral from my personal Amex Platinum). Is this something new?
I just saw 110k/$15k spend for this card in incognito mode.
Couldn't edit my message but it was from a referral as well. And my strange messaging on Amex says
Prospects who acquire Business Platinum via Digital between 01/10/2021 and 06/30/2021 will receive 110000 MR Points If they spend 15000 Dollars within 92 days of acquisition Max= 110000
Called into 855-407-0599, pressed 2, and asked the agent about the Biz Plat. Best offer was 100K/$15K spend for me. Completed application over the phone and approved.
Has anyone called in at this number and tried to get a card other than the biz plat? I've been in popup land for a year and a half now...I've been able to get 2 amex cards in this time, but one was the call in biz plat, and the other was the targeted biz plat. I'm finished both MSR and looking for another amex, preferably biz, card. Barclay's hates me as does BOA right now, and I'm over 5/24 for a few more months.
What about Citi? Maybe the AA biz 65k after 4k spend? IDK if you're on Citi's sh!tlist too or not. Also could consider the us bank biz cash(formerly edge), no af $500 after 3k spend.