Important Information If You Opened a $225 Santander Account 2/1 Thru Now

Update: People that applied well after 12AM PST & well after 2/1 are also still showing the $150 bonus confirmation rather than $225. It seems like Santander hasn’t updated their back end systems to the new $225 offer yet. I’m hoping this is good news for those that applied before 12AM PST!

Bad news bears: this might be a headache.

Because the $225 Santander offer seemed to go up around midnight EST, I didn’t consider different timezones when writing the post or applying. It looks like that was a mistake on my part (mea culpa): I’ll explain the problem and what you should do (hold tight) below.

The Problem

If you set up an online banking login during the application process, you can check the status of your application by logging in at this link. If you click “Show other information” under the “Other Information” section, you can view completed applications, agreements, disclosures, and uploaded documents–with time stamps. The problem? My application is timestamped in PST, though nothing on the site indicated that this would be the case. Despite using the promo code “WINTER225” when it was February 1 my time (EST), my documents show that the $150 offer (that ended January 31) linked to my account. Not good!

The Solution

Hold tight. I called 1-877-860-9753 (as the website says) and the representative I spoke to said that there’s been a huge response to the promotion and that they can’t currently access any information about it. I was told that everything should be up and running in a few days and to call back then.

I don’t know how difficult Santander is to deal with, but I am hoping that getting this corrected will not be a big headache. It is possible that a manual review of accounts will correct this error before I have to call back. I will update you once I know more.

My deepest apologies to any readers (such as these two) who were caught up in this snafu. You can drop DPs, comments, or questions below.

View Comments (50)

  • I would like to know the answer to this too. I opened my account on 1/31. Funds xferred 2/2. Packet received on 2/6. Partial tax refund DD 2/17, If all goes well I hope to have by bonus by mid-March. Just wondering how much it will be - $150 or $225?c

    • Did you get a bonus disclosure sheet in your welcome package? Mine says $225, so I guess the WINTER225 code worked.

  • I applied 1/28 and see the $225 bonus. I applied with a promo code that you posted (not WINTER225 but something like 123567890 ABCD). When I logged in it shows $150. Any chance I could actually get the $225?

  • I applied on 2/1 and found out today that my application was not approved because they could not verify my identify because I didn't answer their five questions correctly, which were next to impossible btw, without researching. I also scanned and send in my driver's license and second id as requested. Unfortunately, my only option is to go into a branch to get my identify verified but I live in Indiana so that isn't an option.

  • I applied on 2/1 11am West Coast time. Got an email that my account was opened today. I have the "150.00 bonus" disclosure also.

    I called up Santander -877-860-9753

    The rep said that I am enrolled on the Winter225. She said she knows about the issue because a lot of people have called about it. So I guess just call if you really want to know. Just ask if you are enrolled in the Winter225 promotion.

  • Applied 2/1, got approved 2 days ago, the disclosure documents includes "$150 Online Checking Bonus Offer Eligibility Requirements"

    Looks like this will be a pain to fix, if it's fixable.

  • Applied 2/2. App says approved (when logging in to the application page) but have not heard back from them. Sounds like this is typical right now but has anyone received any communications from applying around that time? Does uploading the supporting documents speed things up?

    • Applied on 2/1, got "Approved. You will be notified once the account is opened." status on the next day. No news since then. Phone rep told me that their processing department is overwhelmed with new apps.

      • Update: got the "Your Simply Right Checking has been opened" email today. The "$150 Online Checking Bonus Offer Eligibility Requirements" offer still shows under disclosures. I'll wait for welcome package, then contact the rep.

  • My CSR is no longer showing the $1000 initial deposit for checking and savings as pending. That is not a good sign.

    • I'm not sure it's a bad sign, per se. Given that Santander's ability to process applications seems to be down for the 5th straight business day, it makes sense that they can't process the opening deposit yet. It's normal for a hold on funds to expire after a certain number of days, and that's likely what happened. Once Santander's ability to process applications is back up, they will likely finalize the transaction and it will appear without pending for a few days.

  • This is definitely a system thing. I was targeted for $225 and applied back on 1/28, same $150 disclosure when I check the application status.