Wealthfront IRA & Brokerage Bonus: Receive Free Portfolio Management for up to $15,000

This post is part of our series on IRA & Brokerage bonuses. Every Tuesday we share another bonus with you.

The Offer

Wealthfront is offering free management for the first $15,000 invested for customers who open a new Wealthfront account using Wealthfront’s invitation link. You can deposit cash or transfer existing 401(k) or IRA assets into your Wealthfront account, but you must meet the account minimum of $5,000.

Like Betterment, Wealthfront is an automatic investing service that enrolls users in long-term, diversified portfolios with low costs. Their standard pricing model offers free management for up to $10,000, and over this amount, requires a monthly advisory fee based on an annual fee rate of 0.25%, so this offer extends the free management feature to a larger portfolio amount. There is also a low fee embedded into the costs of ETFs, and this amounts to an average of 0.12%.

Get Up to $15,000 Managed for Free

Direct link

To enroll in this offer, you must do the following:

  • Follow the invitation link above to open a new Wealthfront account.
  • Complete the online investment assessment profile to help Wealthfront understand your investment profile and goals. You’ll receive an appropriate investment plan.
  • Deposit or transfer funds with an account minimum of $5,000.

The Verdict

Like Betterment, Wealthfront is most suitable for investors who prefer a hands-off approach to portfolio growth through a long-term, diversified plan that incurs low fees to maximize your returns over time. Such investment strategies are considered helpful particularly to investors who may otherwise make impulsive investing decisions if left to their own devices through a more manual investment strategy. Wealthfront offers a host of features to enable auto-pilot investment, such as automatic rebalancing, automatic deposits, tax-loss harvesting, and dividend reinvesting.

Compared with Wealthfront’s standard 0.25% advisory fee, Betterment has a similar, but tiered advisory fee that is based on your portfolio size, so if you are choosing between the two, consider your portfolio size to assess which platform offers the lowest cost and most practical features for you. If your portfolio size is less than $15,000, Wealthfront’s deal is more attractive from a management fee pricing standpoint.

Do you have experience with Wealthfront? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Wealthfront

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