Citi Moving from 24-Month Signup Bonus Restriction to 48-Month Restriction

Update 7/8/21: The new Citi Custom Cash card also shows 48 month language. 

Update 7/4/19: All the Citi AA links are now showing this 48 month language consistently (at least when starting at Citi/AA websites. There are still older links with 24 months). Hat tip to Pbjclimbing

Original Post:

Citi has a rule whereby you can only get a signup bonus once every 24 months. Some indications are pointing to this changing upward from 24 months to 48 months.

Dansdeals reports that some Citi American Airlines credit cards are showing a new restriction wording of 48 months instead of 24 months.

Old Wording: “American Airlines AAdvantage® bonus miles are not available if you have had any Citi® / AAdvantage® card (other than a MileUp℠ or CitiBusiness® / AAdvantage® card) opened or closed in the past 24 months.”

New Wording: “American Airlines AAdvantage bonus miles are not available if you have received a new account bonus for a Citi / AAdvantage Platinum Select account in the past 48 months.”

Despite the downside of going from 24 to 48, there are two positive things would come out of this change if it were to happen:

  • It seems they’ll be moving away from the notion of lumping all family cards as one, instead each card will go on its own timeline.
  • It seems they’ll be removing the clause about how closing a card resets the clock, only getting a new cardmember bonus will reset the clock.

That card closure part is just asinine. It almost feels worth to swallow the longer timeframe if we get the family rule removed, plus get rid of the card closure thing.

Doing a few quick search, I can’t find the reported link which shows the 48 month language; all the links I see on American Airlines cards and other cards still show the old 24 month terms. Who knows if this will materialize or not, this is just a headsup in case it does.

(Travelinpoints found the 48 month links: AA Platinum Elite Here and Here; AA Business Here.)

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