jetBlue has announced that starting May 4th all customers will be required to wear a face covering during travel. Customers will be required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth throughout their journey (including check-in, boarding, while in flight and deplaning). jetBlue has stated that this policy has come into place after they began requiring all crewmembers to wear face coverings while working and is based on CDC guidelines that indicate individuals should wear face coverings to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. jetBlue will not be providing customers with masks or other face coverings.
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Costco will be requiring masks for customers, too, effective May 4
I’m really surprised they’re not offering to supply them like American and United are (though they won’t make wearing one mandatory at this time).
Perhaps some required 'mask wearing training ' is in order as well. Constantly fiddling with them, pulling them down to your chin because they are uncomfortsble, etc., is a cross-contamination nightmare.
The purpose of cloth masks is not to protect the wearer so cross contamination is less of a concern. The mask is meant to limit the travel of germs that are breathed out.
Perhaps JetBlue will replace all AVOD onboard with a constantly repeating mask wearing training video?
Everything in life is a cross contamination nightmare. Seriously get over yourself and expecting the world to do things the way YOU expect them to. This "crisis" has really brought out a new class or arm-chair dictators and Twitter doctors. You need to accept that leaving your house always means risking exposure to something. I know I'm not alone in this opinion been working through this whole "crisis" like nothing ever happened, so don't have the scared of the world opinion.
OK, maybe the training shouldn't be government mandated, but no, there are plenty of things in life that are not cross-contamination nightmares as you claim - you replied to a statement to complain that you considered it to be too extreme, by making an even more extreme and less logical claim of your own.
Yes, there are always risks, but there are also levels of risks. You could make your own claim about "A government-mandated test before I can get my license? Get over yourself and stop expecting the world to do things the way YOU expect them to." After all, yes, there is some risk to leave your house, so why bother worrying about the risk of a another driver who has never had any training? Additionally, it isn't like it is just HIS way of property handling a mask - this is something that medical experts have known for a very long time, far before COVID-19 - it isn't something that he just made up now. The difference is that now most people should be wearing masks.I agree that lifting the lockdown should have already been analyzed/considered, but this still isn't the same as the flu. Last year the US averaged 94 deaths per day from the flu. Yesterday, even with a lockdown, there were 2470 deaths in a single day. That's approaching the total number of dead from September 11, in a single day of COVID-19.
Nonsense. During the height of the flu season of 2017-18 about thousand died of flu (influenza and pneumonia) per day for several weeks in a row. And back then the hospitals didn't have financial incentives to classify many deaths as caused by the flu.
1) We've had more deaths in less than 4 weeks of COVID - even with lockdown - than we had the entirety of the year you cherry-picked. - even if you ignore cause of death, a lot more people are dying each day than would in a normal year.
2) You cherry-picked the worst year of any year that I could find stats on - with >60K deaths that year - compared to deaths in 20k or 30k ranges for the other years since 2015.
3) What are the financial incentives to classify deaths as covid? I recently read an article that part of the reason covid spread so much was that hospitals didn't want to take on covid patients, and that covid treatment doesn't offer as good financial incentives as procedures the hospital would otherwise be doing.
4) Where did you get the stats about flu deaths per day?
It makes no sense to compare coronavirus to the average flu seasons. You want to make sure that dealing with the coronavirus doesn't overwhelm the healthcare system. Just 2 years ago we had a bad flu season and nobody even noticed. Today we know that our hospitals can deal with two-three times as many cases of coronavirus deaths. Nobody was denied a ventilator or any other form of treatment even in NYC.
The weekly flu deaths come from the CDC.
Scroll down to "Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) Mortality Surveillance." The "View Chart Data" link below the chart has the data.
1) Even though you chose to compare covid to the worst flu season in more than 50 years, we're still seeing more excess deaths in <4 weeks of covid than we did in the entire worst-flu-season-in-the-last-50-years. And the 2020 excess deaths are with lockdowns in place, which should be reducing deaths from normal flu, car accidents, etc. - which would likely imply that covid-related deaths are being undercounted to an even greater degree.
2) It appears you are misreading the weekly figures; if you sum the weekly figures from that highest season of the last 50 years, you get an amount approaching 200K deaths, while flu-related deaths seem to be clearly stated elsewhere as 61K, meaning that the figures you're using are 3-4 times what they should be? Admittedly, I don't fully understand the numbers either, but just interpreting the data on those deaths as flu-related doesn't seem to add up to anywhere close to the established total.
3) I did subsequently read that the government's reimbursement scale does pay higher for coronavirus infections. However, the fact that excess deaths are so much higher means that *something* is killing these people this year. Covid was reported as the #1 cause of death; if as you say covid isn't killing all of these extra people, and instead something else that is unknown is killing all of these people, perhaps that's even scarier?
@guest_967434 Remember, these deaths and strain on the system are in addition to the flu, they don’t replace them.
The healthcare system in the US is under tremendous stress right now--because the hospitals are empty everywhere with the sole exception of NYC. The hospital workers are furloughed even in Boston which has a relatively high rate of infection. Flattenning the curve was so successful it turned into disaster.
I am genuinely curious.
If you needed a hip replacement and were 70 years old right now, would you go to a hospital and risk contracting coronavirus?
Or if your young child had a moderately high fever but you lived with your parents, would you risk the grandparent's life to bring the child to urgent care or try and handle it with OTC medicine first?
Hospitals cancelling elective surgeries is one thing but a majority of people simply don't want to risk their lives, it wouldn't matter if every mayor/governor/world leader said "everything can open yesterday", restaurants and sporting events will still be just as empty as before.
Oh, they left out the critical part:
Customers will be required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth throughout their journey (including EATING, DRINKING, check-in, boarding, while in flight and deplaning)
Incidentally, I observed today on the street (sunny, 80 degrees) two people in face mask carrying ice cream cones. I guess the same algorithm will be recommended by JB: melt it and squeeze through; that will certainly save the world
Food and beverage service has been limited on Jet Blue flights. Service hasn’t been eliminated, but there will be fewer opportunities for eating and drinking. And therefore the amount time in which a passenger’s mask needs to be removed in-flight (for eating and drinking) is also being limited.
It’s not a perfect solution. There are no perfect solutions. All we can do is to try our best during these imperfect times.
On the delta flight i was on two weeks ago, they simply gave everyone a small plastic bag with a water bottle, snack and alcohol wipes.
"Small children who are not able to maintain a face covering are exempt from this requirement."
That's nice, except that young children can be carriers too, symptoms notwithstanding.
Condolences if you have to travel by air with a child, but please protect your little ones (and us) by buying or making your own masks.
Yes a grand total of 8 children age 1-14 have died of Covid-19, meanwhile during the same time 81 have died of the flu. If you are so concerned about flying stay home
These stats are completely wrong anyway (according to CDC stats), and it also ignores the fact that millions of kids get flu over a season that lasts for many MONTHS (and a tiny percentage die), while this virus has only been around for a few WEEKS and far FAR FAR fewer children have contracted it. So it you look in terms of percentages and time frames, this virus is many times more virulent and more deadly than the flu - for adults AND for kids - and it also has a much higher morbidity rate - blood clots requiring amputations, long-term pulmonary problems and heart problems, etc. It's not all black and white, live or die. Statistics are our friends.
Not for kids. Here are the stats:
Check for yourself from CDC
@guest_967279 Not that anything I write will change your stance on this matter, but the concern for children isn’t that they’ll die of it, but that they’ll spread it to those more vulnerable.
I understand that, but the poster put on their protection for the little ones in addition to them spreading it.
Masks aren't recommended for young children (under 2) it creates a suffocation risk. Between adults wearing masks and the level of distance on planes right now, an exemption for extremely young kids makes sense. Please don't read this as an endorsement of the "COVID = Flu" bald faced lie.
In my state, the guideline for mask use while shopping is DON'T for kids under 2, try your best to get your kids ages 2-9 to do it, and it's required for ages 10 and up. I think something like that would be sensible for airline passengers.
I would like to know what’s their definition of “small children”. Because, of course, the very young (babies and infants) shouldn’t be wearing masks at all (because that could easily result in suffocation). But toddlers (beginning at two years old or so) are (often, though not always) capable of wearing masks and there are masks specifically designed for children that young.
So if by “small children” they mean younger than two years old, that is a perfectly reasonable and understandable exemption. You should never put a mask on a baby. But if by “small children” they mean 7 years old or so, that would be a far less reasonable exemption.
I don’t know which it is. Doing a quick search, I couldn’t find exact details. Is anybody else able to find specifics on this “small children” exemption policy?
Good thing I don't take them, and now I never will. Hopefully people have enough sense to avoid this airline and let it fail with its Soviet tendencies.
People on this thread be like: hurr durr trigger me timbers!
I didn't even say that the airlines can't do this. Ofc they can do whatever they want*, just as I can choose to never take 'em. But ok go off, NK sympathizers. l.m.a.o. Next up: pax cannot take breaths on any transit
(*except when it comes to things like "hate speech" or discrimination ofc, then all of a sudden oMg ThEy cANt dO ThIS /s)
Funny how you link masks to "Soviet" and "NK" sympathizers. You are clearly very smart. Obviously I cannot change your opinions or IQ level over some keyboard fighting. It would be best if we put our ideas back in our pants and keep the discussions limited to what the DoC strives for - making money off the big banks. I am sure everybody can enjoy this activity irrespective of their opinions (or IQ levels in this case :P).
And this holier than thou, I am smarter then everyone else post is designed to not provoke a response?
This is a private company making a business decision to protect its customers and employees. They have a right as a company to do that, the same way that a skydiving company has a "right" to require you to wear a parachute, to prevent you from some divinity complex that would have you harm yourself (and others) to avoid common sense and scientific understanding at the present time.
On the flip side, I'm all for these protests of scientific literacy and, confusingly, "Soviet tendencies". Hell, y'all should be doing more of them, preferably in a NY ER without masks on.
Sadly it’s because of folks like you that we’d have to stay in a lockdown for very long.
Correction: it's people like you that wanted to go on lockdown that we went on lockdown. Literally no higher power came in and told you this needed to be done, lmao. If you choose to walk instead of drive because you're scared of auto accidents, blame yourself for being derp, not others for driving, smh
There are many issues with your argument. Firstly, I have no idea what you're on about with the higher power - the government as an authority is enforcing shutdown orders (which you for some reason are calling a 'lockdown' as if people are imprisoned...)
Secondly, this is a public health situation. Using your analogy, if it was determined that there was some unfixable, unavoidable flaw in every car (the virus) such that there was a very high risk of killing anyone you drove by (risk of infection), it would be smart to choose to walk (stay at home) unless you needed to drive (essential job). As we learn more about this flaw, we find certain ways for drivers to mitigate this risk (wearing masks, social distancing, etc.), and so those who absolutely must drive can at least modify their cars to somewhat reduce the risk. And you would hope that other people would also stop driving temporarily unless necessary so that you could walk outside without worrying about a car passing you and killing you. The reason the government intervenes in public health crises is because of people like you - who refuse to take responsibility for anyone but themselves and also refuse to listen to the facts laid out by scientists, medical professionals, and other experts.
The flaw in your argument is that government is not allowed to make arbitrary, unilatteral decisions that go beyond the scope of what is necesary to protect the safety of its citizenry. Many mandates during this Covid reaction are overreacing, excessive, unecessary and lack any sort of ending point. Many of these decisions are being made by one individual without legislative oversight. Constitutional rights during emergency situations may be limited, however, they cannot be unecessary, arbitrary decisions that have no time frame in which they may end. This is why you are seeing a rash of civil liberty lawsuits and abundance of more to come. You lay blame this individual you responded to for the need for governmental intervention. I would blame you as the reason for governmental abuse of power as you don't want to question anything and ridicule those who dare to do so. I am guessing you are a US citizen. As such you have grown up in the freest country in the history of the world. Those of us who have traveled outside the boarders can firsthand attest to the great freedom we have here. On the flip side of that though, is that we can quite easily take that freedom for granted and assume that government will always act in a manner that limits its powers and ensure these freedom to continue. All one has to do though is look throughout history to realize that any place (Venezuela is a good modern example) can take the rights of citizens away very quickly. Once gone they are often very tough to get back.
You talk about 'government' making these decisions and mandates - I'd like more specificity to know to which bodies and mandates you are actually referring. You also say arbitrary - I don't think you would even agree any of these 'decisions' you reference are arbitrary...and unilateral - which I think can be proved incorrect quite easily. You say excessive and unnecessary - an opinion of yours that could be easily argued against by anyone making the decisions that actually has data to back them up. You also continue to reference 'no ending point' as if that has some bearing, even though there are clear end points to executive orders as outlined therein.
Additionally, any 'individual' (are you referring to governors...or?) making these mandates has the vested power to do so during emergency without precursor legislative oversight. Hence, 'state of emergency.'
I think the key is this: When you say "unecessary, arbitrary decisions that have no time frame in which they may end." - you have no basis as outlined above.
The need for governmental intervention does not fall to this one person or you or me, etc. The need is there because we as citizens (or occupants or whatever you want to call us) need a way to organize together for the public good. Some people are more selfish than others and need incentives to act in the interest of the public good, which is where government's role is made apparent.
I don't know where you are getting that I don't want to question anything (I'm a scientist by trade and have a deeply ingrained sense of skepticism), and if you reread what I wrote, I never ridiculed anyone. You seem to have a bee in your bonnet about this though, so you are just parroting the same things without engaging. You're also talking to me as if I'm some young naive buck..."you have grown up in the freest country, etc." I think the reality would truly shock you.
You are decrying me for not questioning things but have not been specific at all yourself. Nor have you provided any evidence of your views, insofar as they make sense to begin with. I don't see overreach, so I am not worried about the freedom that being in the US grants to me. No one is taking your freedoms away.
To mods: feel free to remove or not post - I'm not sure this is an appropriate place for 'politics', however civil, insofar as anything these days can be separated from them anyway.
It's people like you that believe that we need to stay in a lockdown that is the reason we are staying in a lock down. The evidence is changing, but people like you are too big of chumps to go against the grain.
What evidence is changing? Has the death toll suddenly gotten lower by people being revived? Or are you perhaps speaking about the latest antibody tests - which are arguably a bad indication of anything, especially given the potential issues with their efficacy in lab? There are good reasons why states haven't seen the antibody test results and just said, "Oh, well this virus is so much less infectious than previously thought" and opened back up...(and it isn't some political conspiracy). I urge people to look to science - and the scientists/medical professionals who have the expertise to interpret it.
Well as a matter of fact yes the death toll has lowered. See Pennsylvania. Perfect example of how things are evolving all the time. Lots of links to that if you dont like that site.
Hunt why don't you look back to the AIDS virus. Do you know that it was oringially called GRID- gay related immunodeficiency because it initially was occuring only in gay men. Gee that sured changed. Initially, people didn't know that it could be spread through breast milk. Now they know. Initially, people didn't know it was in blood supplies thus many blood recipients died. Iniitally, it wasn't known if it could be contracted through oral sex, now we know it can. On and on and on. In other words it took years to get the answers to many questions. Many questions are STILL unknown about HIV after 40 years. We are all of about 4 months maybe into COVID?
The science, as you call it, around Covid is changing all the time. You say "look at the scientists/medical professionals with the expertise to interpret it?" Seriously? Have you not seen how many "models" have been completely inaccurate? Experts in all areas are constantly wrong. Some are right, many are not. Combine that with ridiculous statements like Governor Newsome saying 25 million Californians will get this virus and refuses to tell anyone where has got this number and it is quite plausible for people to question their government.
A state changed it's 'probable death' count...exactly. It's a 'probable' count. The whole point is that it isn't a fact. Does it still provide valuable insight to decision-makers? Yes, undoubtedly.
What are you on about with all this AIDs stuff? You are proving my point. It was scientists that figured all of this out - even if it might have taken a while. Scientists are the ones with the expertise to analyze the data, and they have access to the data and are the ones gathering new data as well. Scientists are the ones saying we don't know enough right now! That is why we have all these measures in place...if we knew what we were dealing with, we could adapt much better.
Why do you say, "science, as you call it?" Are you honestly going to try to make some argument about how the science is a hoax now?
Yes, seriously...Their models are the best we have right now - they are based on the data we have, and none of them think it is 100% accurate. The best solution anyone has right now is to look towards the experts (again, scientists and medical health professionals/public health experts). What is your alternative? Just say, "Oh those scientists have been wrong so many I'll just live my life?" Come on man...
Since you have an opinion against well documented research, I hope you are at least a doctor or a certified healthcare worker. If not, then you're basically spreading your propaganda and that makes you no different from the anti-vaxer moms.
If you think that research is clear and definitive you really need to educate yourself. Models are constantly wrong, research is constantly changing, other countries are finding positive results without mass shutdowns. You saying that their is well documented research is the propaganda- absolutely false.
First of all it’s *THERE is not their, learn the difference, it makes your argument look more serious. Secondly, most countries that are seeing positive results are the ones that had extreme lockdown measures, you should know this through a simple google search. And lastly, calling documented research a propaganda is the most anti-intellectual thing I’ve heard today. If you think that scientists and doctors risking their lives in understanding the virus are idiots, then you’ve gotta kidding me.
Google search Sweden and you will see an example of a country that did not shut down at all and yet has a Covid mortality rate that is half of what Italy does that went on full lockdown.
I am hardly calling documented research propaganda. My exact statement is that you believe that their is an abundance of researh on Covid that is documented. This is not the case. Not sure what you know about research but it does not happen overnight. Much of the research out hasn't even been peer reviewed. Much of the research that comes out is disputed by another research study days or weeks later. For example, you have no difinitive research out regarding effectivenss of masks against this virus, of the effectiveness of many treatments, of whether the virus mutates, if the virus can reappear in certain individuals who have already had it. We won't know the answer to so many questions for a long time. Research studies are proven wrong all the time.
As for spelling I really don't give a crap. I dont proof read posts. Don't be lame and bring that up, it just makes you look like a pompus ass.
The anti-science, anti-empirical evidence "social distancing" extremists are the new brownshirts for the fascist police state that will declare medical "emergency" after medical "emergency"
After all, now that no one believes in the perpetual wars anymore, something has to be used to oppress the population.
Soviet tendencies? Go fight with private businesses saying "No shoes, no pants, no service," why don't ya
Similar principle. And Jet Blue just got my business. I'll be safe from nuts like you 😄
This is a hopelessly dumb, contrarian comment and you should feel bad making such a hopelessly dumb, contrarian comment.
All airlines should adopt this common sense policy, but they should be providing masks to those who don't have them. Ideally, everyone should be wearing at least N95 rated respirators, but....
Keep on living in your little Covid world. 30 million people forced out of work, cancer patients can't get in for treatment, food banks overwhelmed with people, suicide, spousal abuse, child abuse on the rise, kids getting shoddy on line "education" while sex offenders try to stalk them, civil rights trampled daily, citizens encouraged to rat out their neighbors like Nazi Germany, mental health issues for those mandated to stay at home, federal deficit shot up even more then the already ridiculous amount, people unable to exercise, heart attacks from those who don't or cant seek treatment, faulty death rates from Covid because state get more federal money for Covid death, governors acting as health czars mandating no elective surgeries or care, local government officials enacting arbitrary and uncecked mandates with missing legislative oversight, overreaching laws such as not being able to purchase garden seeds and cant attend a drive thru church service.
You people so enamored with the whole Covid thing want to look at it in a vacuum and refuse to look at all the ramifications caused by the reaction of our government. No one is saying that Covid is not serious. It is. However, the reaction that we have had to it is far more dangerous.
Feel free to look up any of the items I posted for yourself. If you cant find them I can provide it to you.
Soviet tendencies? Care to explain?
I think it is pretty self-evident dumb ass or probably more fitting smart ass. Even though Jet Blue is not a governmental agency and can do as they please when it comes to rules like this, the poster is concerned about the trampling of citizens rights as protected in the US Constitution. To see private companies beginning to enact rules (which granted is there right to do) much like our local governments have enacted laws that violate our protected rights is concerning. I agree with him. I will avoid to the extent possible airlines, grocers, etc. that want to enforce measures like this.
You keep talking about your protected rights...which are you referring to specifically?
The government has the ability to control what goes on in public areas - it's domain. You don't have the rights you think you do in these public areas. People keep calling this a 'lockdown' - no one is being physically forced to stay in their house. No one is coming onto your property and forcing you to wear a mask - and also, why must people make everything about their rights. Masks are a good idea to reduce the spread of infection of a disease that no one should want to get; it won't kill people to follow a good idea, even if the government came up with it.
Additionally, people need to realize that if nothing else, public health should be the role of government. Out of all the programs/oversight government has, it really is the most essential. Even if you don't like big government, you should be very happy that government exists to protect public health.
"Even though Jet Blue is not a governmental agency and can do as they please when it comes to rules like this, the poster is concerned about the trampling of citizens rights as protected in the US Constitution."
You were so close to getting it. So. Close. The right to go on private property and ignore their private decision to protect employees and (sometimes pretty dumb) customers isn't a constitutional topic. Debate the role of local, state, and federal gov't action all you want, that's a real topic of discussion. But this? This is letting Fox News lobotomize you with fear.
And you were so close to getting my post. Did you not read that I said it is the airlines right to do as they please as a private entity? I made it very clear that they are separate from government and have every right to do this. I made the statement though that the many don't like private industry enforcing guidelines similar to the ones our government is putting in place. For such a sarcastic a hole you should working on your reading comprehension skills
i think people avoid you regardless
In Soviet Russia, facemask wears you!
Good. I’d rather not share a plane with someone like you.
I think the point is wearing a mask accomplishes NOTHING if you can't do the social distancing. Since you are not going to be 6 feet away from other people anyways, the mask has no purpose. It is just a feel good thing that makes believe they are doing something.
It is no different than requiring a skydiver to wear an oxygen mask even though their parachute is broken.
If someone sitting next to you were coughing or sneezing I think you would probably be happy that they had one on. At least it would catch the spray coming out of their mouth.
Just have a strong immune system get the virus and move on. Social distancing is fake news
I wish people knew you were being sarcastic
that's not true at all.. mask prevents infection from one person to another.. the 6 feet thing is a different thing all together.. 6 feet is recommended for social distancing
Pretty much everything you claimed is wrong here and should be taken down for spreading misinformation.
Masks do *not* suddenly have 0% effectiveness within some magical 6 feet number. In fact, masks are *more* important the closer you are - you don't see medical professionals wearing masks before attending to a patient, then taking off the masks once they are within six feet. COVID-19 can be spread at distances both less than and greater than six feet, but in general, more distance is better.
Where are you getting your information from??
That is categorically untrue, in case you haven't heard
From live science
"Putting a face mask on does not mean that you stop the other practices," said May Chu, a clinical professor in epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health on the Anschutz Medical Campus who was not involved in either new study. "It does not mean you get closer to people, it does not mean you don't have to wash your hands as often and you can touch your face. All of that still is in place, this is just an add-on."
Very clear, the face mask is an add on, if you are going to spend 3 hours on a plane within 6 feet of others, you are not adding on to anything. The mask might stop the virus in a supermarket where you get close to someone for a few seconds. The mask will do NOTHING if you are sitting next to a contagious person on an airplane for 3 hours.
And that assumes that the cloth face masks even accomplish anything in the first place, which in itself is in dispute. According to the BBC:
"But there's little evidence to suggest that the face masks worn by members of the public prevent people from being infected by breathing in the virus, says William Schaffner, a professor in the division of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "There really are no good, solid, reliable data."
Many people are confusing things. Masks can have two purposes: 1) To prevent the wearer from infection; 2) To prevent the wearer from spreading infection.
The current CDC guidelines (and agreement within the medical community) is to focus on #2. The reason for this is that #1 is not really viable for member of the public, as noted by the professor you quoted. This does not mean that masks cannot accomplish #1, though. It simply means that a public, who does not have access to proper N95 respirators and the training required to properly use them, will not be able to effectively protect themselves in any meaningful way.
This does not mean that someone who has access to proper PPE and training will not be able to protect themselves with respirators - and in that instance, social distancing is technically less important. However, I don't think anyone who falls in that category would choose to take any unnecessary risks by not social distancing.
Transpose, == prevent spread of COVID-19
Are they going to provide them?
Edit: According to OMAT: ”Passengers will have to bring their own masks — interestingly American will be offering passengers masks but won’t require them to be worn, while JetBlue will be requiring masks to be worn but won’t be offering them to passengers.”