JPMorgan Chase In Talks To Buy Apple Card Portfolio From Goldman Sachs

According to the WSJ JPMorgan Chase is in advanced talks to purchase the Apple card portfolio from Goldman Sachs. Goldman just sold the GM card portfolio to Barclays in a discounted deal worth $2 billion and is looking to exit the consumer card market altogether.

As part of the deal JPMorgan are looking for a number of concessions from Apple that include things such as spreading out card billing (currently all cardholders are billed at the start of the month).

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  • Perhaps Barclays would welcome the new Apple Card, after all they were the lender of the OG Apple Card.

  • I guess Chase fits since they technically don't have a 2% cash back card, probably another 2% category, 5% on apple product, and ability the change the statement & due dates and I could see this working for them.

  • I'm kind of surprised that Capital One apparently took a pass. I would have thought they would use a future move to the Discover network in negotiations when the current MC contract expires.

  • After chase closing ALL my personal credit cards and checking accounts and also closing ALL my business credit card and checking account, are they going to keep my apple card if this happens?! I hope this does not happen AT ALL. I start hate chase a lot.

    • There is a lot more to this story then you are telling us. They didn't just close all your accounts you did something they didn't like...

      • I wish I know. No warning and nothing. As I said I have been a customer with them since 2008 and they know all the in and out and nothing crazy like some of the guys in this hobby do AT ALL. You would think they would least questioning me about anything that they think it's suspicious but NOTHING AT ALL. You think that they at least should have any kind of respect to the history that I have with them but not. I was more than happy to provide them with ANYTHING they would ask for because I don't play games but they did not give ANY CHANCE FOR ANYTHING.

        It's what it is. I did not lose anything and I have moved everything to be with AMEX now and I have giving warning to all my friends, family, and the people I know in the business about them and some of them moved away from Chase.

        By the way if you are with Chase, be careful. Search YouTube about "chase closing accounts" and you will be socked.

      • Most likely pushing velocity on biz cards too hard. When it happens it often comes a few weeks after pushing your luck once too often.

      • Absolutely nothing. Having actual real business and nothing suspicious at all. I have been a customer with them since 2008. The bad thing about all this is they don't give you any reason AT ALL. Simply say you if you could walk to a bank and close your accounts without giving any reasons, we could do the same. I tried to push and they only send you the documents for terms and conditions 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • What might be interesting with this move would be for Chase to expand the earnings on this card. Instead of its limited group of 3% partners, a universal 3% on Apple Pay and opening it to earning UR points could turn this into one of the most in-demand products Chase offers.

  • I wonder if Chase is trying to negotiate better ChaseNet/payment network rates with Apple Pay as a part of this. That might be worth it to take on a riskier portfolio in the long term.

  • I wonder if Apple will ask for their card to be exempt from 5/24 restrictions like Amazon did with their card, or if they even care…

    • 5/24 seems like a major limitation to the apple card goals. At this point maybe that's less of an issue as their market penetration is already higher and their goals may have shifted. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple launches some sort of checking account at some point as well.

    • I've gotten denied for Amazon card for 5/24 twice even when they were giving them away like candies

  • My guess is that they want normal statement closing/billing, tightening of approvals, and the big one... access to data/marketing info.

    I'd think that the whole point is cross promotion, and Chase figures they might as well shoot their shot, as Amex won't want their low FICO, high risk customers.

    I also don't think Cap1 and Synchrony have the leverage (or balls) to say no to all of Apple's demands.