[Expired] Kroger: 4x Fuel Points this Weekend, Including Visa/MC

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The Offer

Direct Link (filter by ‘Gift Cards’)

  • Get 4x fuel points on gift card purchases through 12/24/17
  • Get 4x fuel points on Visa/MC gift cards in $25,$50, or $100 denominations

Sign into your Kroger account to save this digital coupon. Coupon is for unlimited use.

Gift Card Deals

There are a few gift card deals coupons showing too which will stack well with the fuel points deal:

Our Verdict

It’s the right season for last-minute gift card purchases, nice to be able to earn bonus fuel points on those too.

The standard deal at Kroger is 2x fuel points on gift card purchases, and they’ll occasionally release offers for 4x. Usually, every 1000 fuel points will get you a discount of $1 per gallon with a 35-gallon limit, a max value of $35 per 1000-points. (These details do vary by store and region.) You can also get free cell phone service with Kroger when you earn fuel rewards points.

Hat tip to SD

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