Deal has ended, view more bank account bonuses by clicking here.
Offer at a glance
- Maximum bonus amount: $200
- Availability: KY
- Direct deposit required: 3 totaling $3,000+
- Additional requirements: Use promo code
- Hard/soft pull: Unknown
- ChexSystems: Unknown
- Credit card funding: Up to $5,000
- Monthly fees:
- Early account termination fee: Unknown
- Household limit: None listed
- Expiration date: 12/31/24
The Offer
- University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union is offering a $200 bonus when you open a new checking account and complete the following requirements:
- Receive three Direct Deposits totaling $3,000 or more within 95 days
- Use promo code 200Better
The Fine Print
- All bank account bonuses are treated as income/interest and as such you have to pay taxes on them
Avoiding Fees
Monthly Fees
ukfcu checking account has no monthly fees to worry about.
Early Account Termination Fee
I wasn’t able to find any EATF in the fee schedule.
Our Verdict
Seems to be a small service area, unfortunately applying through ACCC doesn’t help with out of state applications.
Hat tip to ShawntheShawn
Useful posts regarding bank bonuses:
- A Beginners Guide To Bank Account Bonuses
- Bank Account Quick Reference Table (Spreadsheet) (very useful for sorting bonuses by different parameters)
- PSA: Don’t Call The Bank
- Introduction To ChexSystems
- Banks & Credit Unions That Are ChexSystems Inquiry Sensitive
- What Banks & Credit Unions Do/Don’t Pull ChexSystems?
- How To Use Our Direct Deposit Page For Bank Bonuses Page
- Common Bank Bonus Misconceptions + Why You Should Give Them A Go
- How Many Bank Accounts Can I Safely Open Within A Year For Bank Bonus Purposes?
- Affiliate Links & Bank Bonuses – We Won’t Be Using Them
- Complete List Of Ways To Close Bank Accounts At Each Bank
- Banks That Allow/Don’t Allow Out Of State Checking Applications
- Bank Bonus Posting Times
View Comments (60)
12/27/24 Submitted the application from Indiana using ACC for eligibility.
12/30/24 Got docusign emails to send more documents
01/21/25 Finally approved !!!
Wow!!! That's a long time to review and approve
Chase freedom flex 5k (25 + 4975) coded as sale.
Anyone get amex to work?
If the rep that worked on @guest_1937769's app is correct, the bonus should also be good at the following states, according to the article below: "Kentucky currently shares a border with 7 states – Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Missouri."
Want to give it the old college try?
Hey thanks for the tag, I'll check it out.
@guest_1937784 I applied last night with Chex frozen and received an email today from one of their financial services officers. They stated that they noticed a freeze on my Chex and due to that freeze would need for me to come into a branch to verify my identity before proceeding with my application.
I asked if I could just remove the freeze and reapply online, but they said that unfortunately I would still need to come into a branch.
I also asked if being in Illinois would be an issue with eligibility even though I am a member of the American Consumer Council. Their response was that I do qualify for membership through ACC because I live in a surrounding state (which verifies the surrounding Kentucky theory).
If we get some DPs on whether they are Chex sensitive or not, I might try removing the freeze and reapplying just to see what happens.
@guest_1936443 I decided to try applying again yesterday with Chex unfrozen and received an immediate OnAlert notification that they had pulled Chex.
Early today I received a DocuSign email to review account documentation, but then received another DocuSign email 10 minutes later that the request had been voided with the reason being Member service request has been voided for the following reason: Contacting applicant-need them to come in branch.
I then missed a call about 7hrs later and they left me a voicemail that said "Unfortunately we will not be able to move forward with your application at this time".
I'm still not sure if I was denied or if I could still go into a branch to open (although I don't plan to). I will dispute the Chex inquiry to get it removed.
Chex stats as of 11/13/2024: 0/1, 1/3, 5/6, 22/12
Update: I received an Adverse Action Notice letter in the mail today from UofK FCU. It states that they are unable to offer me a share draft/checking account due to suspected fraud or identity theft and that they obtained the information from TransUnion (although there was no hard pull). I'm kinda surprised they chose suspected fraud or identity theft instead of unable to verify identity.
BTW, can you let me know how your Chex dispute goes? I've used the "branch" excuse twice (both were true) and the 1st dispute was denied by the FI and the 2nd dispute never reached the FI because Chex told me that it's not a valid complaint.
I've been really restraining myself lately and it helps that I'm relatively maxed out doing other offers between myself and P2. Keeping my Chex frozen has also played a big part.
I will let you know the outcome of my dispute, just know that my dispute process is slightly different. I cannot utilize the Dispute tab when logged in, so I have to manually submit a dispute when logged out of Chex. When logged out, the dropdown menu for selecting a reason (other, inaccurate, etc.) is not available. You can only select the Type of Information (Inquiries Viewed By Others) and then manually enter the name of the bank and date of inquiry. I enter the reason into the dispute description box with my explanation of why the inquiry should be dropped or moved.
My success ratio for disputes is really low, and I blame it on not being able to access the normal Dispute tab.
Whether your dispute is more likely to be successful or not should not depend on whether it is submitted via the Dispute tab in your Chex account or by filling out the dispute form as a guest.
I think a lot of it is luck. As you know, I do not have access to the Dispute tab. I have done around 15 disputes, and my success rate is around 60%. I believe many of my successes were just because the bank forgot to respond, as it generally took about 4 weeks for me to hear back about the result. If the bank had responded, I would expect the result to be delivered sooner.
But I would not recommend doing too many disputes within a short period of time, or doing it too frequently. You do not want to be considered frivolous. @guest_1937848
I don't think that's the reason. The only time that I have ever had a Chex inquiry removed was when I literally had documentation proving that a rep told me that there would be no Chex inquiry. The other time that an inquiry was removed was when the FI didn't reply in time.
I probably have filed < 10 disputes ever but the rest have all failed.
I have always (and will always) give 100% honest info in my disputes. Maybe that's why others have had better success than me as it seems like a lot of DoC readers have no qualms with lying. Maybe you are just a little too honest like me. 😉
@guest_1937848 I have access to the Dispute tab but my success rate is also very low. From my experience making disputes, you aren't missing out.
The most surprising aspect of your DP is how (relatively) low your Chex stats are. I'm disappointed. 😀
Do you live within driving distance of a branch?
No, the nearest branch is a 3.5hr drive.
I applied OOS and application said it was approved but no membership number was given to create online login. I received an email last night that my application was assigned to Andra and I would hear back. I was told today that my application was rejected because the American Consumer Council eligibility only works for states boarding Kentucky.
I assume that you meant "bordering" rather than "boarding". Anyway, hopefully, @guest_1936317 will let us know what state they live in so we can get some clarity on the situation.
Yep, I meant bordering. That is what I get for multitasking. I can't even blame it on autocorrect this time.
Was able to open OOS with immediate approval by selecting that I’m a member of ACC, even though there wasn’t an opportunity to actually join it presented.
Funded $5k with Cap 1 Venture X
I applied OOS on 8/8. On 8/9, I received an email that my application had been assigned to Zach Goodpaster and a phone number. I've called twice, and the CSR answering has said he's in the office but away from his desk but that they would pass on the message to call me back. Guess who hasn't been called back
Did you ever hear back? If so, did they pull your Chex?
Thanks for the DP.
Seems they simply ignored anyone who applied from OOS
Was able to open online with no issues. In state with ACC membership (they asked for documentation). Once the app was assigned I got a phone call and they had to ask me some questions. Did confirm that even though it says they take AMEX, they do not, and I funded with a Venture X for $5k and it coded as purchase. Soft pull and Chex (LOL/24).
Are you in/near Lexington?
I'm in Louisville
Did they pull Chex?
They did. Just checked my report.
@guest_1870911 Were you lucky in Kentucky?
still havent heard back. maybe they mailed me something but i havent been at home for a few weeks. likely denied
In KY, out of range with ACC and I got the same message about the same person being assigned my application. No mail no call so far.
Called Bank, was told the person my application was assigned to was out this week so I wouldn't hear anything until next week unless I wanted to escalate to his manager. Just going to wait and see.
Did you ever hear anything?
Sorry for limited knowledge- it someone could tell me how I could check my check. I've done quite a few. I live in state and am an alumni, but was approved. Funded with credit card for $5000 as a sale with Chase Freedom Unlimited
Are you asking how to check your "Chex", rather than "check"? If so, below is the article with all of the info. Once you get your account set up, let us know if UKFCU pulled your Chex or not.