Leaked American Express Marriott Card + New Chase Marriott Card? (Bevy & Bountiful)

Update: Chase Bountiful & American Express Bevy cards have been launched.

A few months ago Marriott registered trademarks for Marriott Bonvoy Bevy & Marriott Bonvoy Bountiful. Gary at VFTW now has a leaked image of the American Express Marriott Bonvoy Bevy (this card name is also listed on this page).

It’s expected that the Marriott Bonvoy Bountiful will be a new Chase card and both new cards will be midrange cards and come with a $250 annual fee with the annual fee on the Bonvoy Brilliant card being increased to $650. American Express has previously sent out a survey regarding changes including the annual fee increasing to $650.

View Comments (65)

  • Bevy is live now, at least via referrals.

    Edit: It’s available everywhere and the new $650 rate on the brilliant is live. That seems really steep now….

  • I keep awaiting updates on this. Oddly, Gary's posts at VFTW on these potential new cards from Marriott have been pulled.

  • I will hit platinum likely before November (which is the renewal date for my Bonvoy Brilliant), factoring in the 15 nights I get with the card. My question is, if I cancel my card come November (having hit Platinum) will I still get to retain Platinum into the next year? So would hitting the 50 nights (including the 15 from the brilliant) be enough or would they claw back Platinum if I lost the 15 nights from the card?

    • Basically it will not be claw Back! Because on the of the 15 awards nights has been added to your account on this year! for the upcoming year you will be platinum but with zero nights been added to your account!
      2022 assuming you hit the target platinum
      2023 you will be platinum with 0 nights!
      Due to canceling the card!

    • You didn't specify which SPG card. It makes a big difference.

      Per the Chase-Amex inter-agreement with Marriott, Amex only gets to market new business and luxury Marriott cards, and Chase markets other Marriott cards, including low-AF personal Marriott cards.

      So if you had the low-AF personal SPG card, and cancelled it years ago (say, before it was converted to a Marriott card), I don't see how that would be likely to affect anything.

      But if you had the SPG business card, that already locks you of the Amex Marriott Brilliant Card, and so it may also lock you out of the Amex Marriott Bevy Card, if that actually becomes available.

      But the other thing to keep in mind is that Amex only keeps your credit card history back 5 to 6 to 7 years, so after that time, they may not even be able to tell if you ever had an SPG card (that you cancelled that long ago). So it also may make a difference WHEN you last had that SPG card, as to whether Amex can still tell that you had it. If you're wondering, you can ask Amex to give you a list of all of the cards you ever had, and that way you see how far back they see, if you've been an Amex cardholder for a long time.

  • Wait a sec, they’re raising Bonvoy Brilliant AF to $650 and removing the $300 credit for use at Marriott properties? I hope they have some better improvements in store other than the $20 monthly restaurant credit. Glad I’ll get to use my credit in September a couple weeks before they deprecate it.

  • If Marriott wants to throw some money away for welcome bonuses, I’m game.

    Idk why ppl hate Marriott so much… the certificates are still usable for $250 value ($400 value from the 50k) without much effort. Plat benefits still great if you travel at all off the beaten path. Do I miss the old award chart? Sure, but if they’re giving away points, I’m not going to turn them down

    We’re going to JW Maldives later this year and will save $600 on breakfast with Plat benefits over five-night stay paid with points (cash rate >$1k per night). Will it be free? Nope, but would never have the experience without the largesse of Marriott, Chase, and Amex marketing departments.

    Hyatt is great but they just aren’t in the picture in the most interesting destinations

    • People complain about the declining value of the certificates each year and marriott basically screwing people with a "new revamped program" every 2-3 years. You use to be able to use the 50k cert at ritz gran cayman, then they introduced low and peak season, Marriott" hey look guys you'll be able to get great value by travelling in low season", except ritz gran caymen is now 60k in low season...

      Next they said, hey look you'll be able to add points to your certificate making it more useful... NOT!. same hotel that use to cost 35k, now costs 40k. You basically now to have to add points.

      Next year marriott is going full dynamic. you will never be able to use that 50k cert at any place costing anywhere near $1000, probably not even $500.

      oh and marriott charges resort fees on award stays....

      • This. The places we used to use the 50K cert at will be 74-90k next year (and many days are already at that amt now).

        The other places we could go for less pts are now 37-42k pts but are $230 or so, so dont want to use a 50k cert there when I used to use them for $500-700 rooms. Thus, a 35k cert ($95) plus point topoff sounds a lot better value right now.

  • Marketing Firm: "How about you offer your customers some actual... benefits?"

    Marriott: "No you IDIOT. Give me some other b-words!"

    Marketing Firm: "..."

  • Who in marketing is this dumb with naming? Like 98% of people with these cards aren't going to be able to keep them straight, and if they try and suggest a card to a friend that person isn't going to be able to know what card they have when they look at the website. If Marriott wants to suggest an upgrade the card holder is often going to think they already have that card, or think it's a downgrade. It's completely unclear what card is more costly or offers benefits from the names, what's the point of this besides a bunch of people giggling when they make the brochure with all of these names listed?