How To: Load A Bluebird Account With Vanilla Reloads

We recently discussed vanilla reloads on the credit cards section of the website. Today we will be looking at how you can load your Bluebird account with Vanilla Reloads.

Required Reading:

Before you read this how to guide, we suggest you read the following pages so you have an understanding of what a vanilla reload is, what a bluebird account is and how they’d be useful in increase your credit card spend.

You’ll also need a Bluebird account.

How To:

Step 1: The first thing you’ll need to do is purchase a Vanilla reload card. You need to be careful with which ones you purchase as not all of them can be loaded to Bluebird. You are looking for a card that looks like this (click to enlarge), top image is the front of the card and second image is the back.

[Read: Where can I buy a vanilla reload card from?]

These cards have a $3.95 reload fee and can have a maximum of $500 added to them. You’ll want to make sure you reload the maximum $500 to make the most of the $3.95 reload fee you’re being charged (costing you  ~0.78¢ per $100 in spend).

Step 2: Scratch off the back to reveal the PIN. 

Step 3: Go to and enter your PIN into the field below “Enter Your Vanilla Reload PIN” in the left hand sidebar, then click continue. .

Step 4: Enter your 15 digit Bluebird account number (this number is found on the front of your Bluebird card) into box below “Enter prepaid card number”. Scroll to the end of the terms and conditions, click on the check box next to “I agree to the Vanilla Reload Terms & Conditions”. Click apply reload.

Step 5: Verify the correct amount has been added to the card then click “Yes, I am sure box.”

Step 6: Congratulations, you’ve successfully applied your Bluebird account with a vanilla reload. You’ll be taken to a page on saying as much and you’ll also receive an e-mail from Bluebird stating your account has been successfully credited.

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