Mango Issuing Checks for Some People’s 6% Accounts

Yesterday, Mango sent out an email indicating that all account balances are being zeroed out and reimbursed by way of check. The issues started a couple of weeks ago at which point it appeared they were simply transferring everyone to a new savings account backer. Now they are indicating checks are being sent out.

The weird thing is that some readers report that both the card and savings were zeroed out while others report only the savings getting zeroed out. The email (below) references both.

Does this mean the end of Mango? I’m honestly not sure. The website is still up, along with mention of the 6% savings account. Developing..Seems it’s the people who never transitioned over from Sunrise to Metropolitan who are getting the email. Other’s accounts are fine.

Dear Cardholder,

As previously notified, we are closing your Mango Visa card at Sunrise Banks. If you had a balance remaining on your card or savings account, you will soon receive a check for your remaining balance. This check will be mailed to you at the address-on-record

The check should arrive within 4 weeks.

Please contact us with any questions at or at 1-855-687-2036.

Thank you,
Your Mango Support Team

View Comments (38)

  • Hi, I apologize for posting this in the latest 3 Mango-related articles here, but I'm hoping that someone can help me.

    I'm at the end of my rope here in terms of Mango. I asked them to close my account on May 2nd after transferring all my funds into the card portion of the account and they said they did so and I would be receiving a check for remaining balance within 4-6 weeks. It's now over 8 weeks later.

    I've called their 1-855 number several times and continue to receive conflicting information. I should apply for their new card, then they can transfer the balance (today now they said that's not possible). They said they would escalate it several times and I would have an update if I call back in 24-48 hours. Not true. Now they are saying the holds are longer from their 'higher department'.

    I'm sick to my stomach thinking this is a scam now after having used them for 2 years and transferring in/out money (which I no longer can do since the account is me...thought of that and tried it). What can I do???? Is anyone else experiencing this? Please help. I've emailed the chsupport email address as well and no response at all.

  • Received my check today from Sunrise banks. Still have access to my Spending account online, but no savings.

  • Had no issues with the new savings bank switch. Earned my full May interest on May 31st

  • Dear Valued Customer,

    Effective July 1, 2018, the Insight Savings account offered to online Insight Card customers will be discontinued.

    This letter is to notify you that the Insight Savings account associated with your Insight Visa Prepaid Card you acquired online will close on July 1, 2018. Interest due as of July 1, 2018 will be credited, and the balance will be automatically transferred to your Insight Visa Prepaid Card account and subject to the prepaid card’s terms and conditions.

    If you wish to withdraw any portion of your account balance at no charge, you may do so by issuing a bill payment check to yourself after July 1, 2018. If you wish to close your account prior to July 1, 2018 you will forfeit any interest accrued but not yet paid.

    Instructions to complete a bill payment check to yourself:

    Under the “Spend Money” tab, select “Bill Pay”
    On the Bill Pay menu, Select the “Add Biller” tab
    Click the link that says “Click here to add your biller manually”
    Complete the Biller form with your name, account number, home address where you would like your check mailed and phone number
    Select “No” to “Make this a scheduled Payment”
    Click “Add Biller”
    You will receive a confirmation that “Your biller has been added”
    Next, click the “Single Payment” tab on the Bill Pay menu.
    In the “Pay to:” drop down, select your name (the biller you just added)
    Select the Payment Date that you wish for the check to be sent
    Complete the amount that you wish to be sent.
    Hit Continue and verify the amount and payment date
    Select “Pay Bill” to process the check payment. A check will then be mailed to you and should be received within 7-10 days.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. We encourage you to continue taking advantage of the many other features and benefits your Insight Visa Prepaid Card has to offer.

    If you have questions regarding this notice, or any other matter related to your account, please call the number printed on the back of your card.

    Insight Card Services

  • I got the e-mail and they zeroed out my account. They never sent me a replacement card and despite several phone calls over the past 2 months, I never could get it resolved. I’m kind of glad that I’m getting a check so I don’t have to deal with it anymore.

  • Data Point - I have already activated my card in first week of May 2018 and my savings account was still zeored out yesterday

  • Another DP for someone unaffected. Spending and savings account are both fine.

    I had activated my replacement card as soon as I received it. It looks like there's now a pop-up/overlaid note before log-in at the moment to remind users to activate their new cards

  • I activated the new Met MasterCard Mango when it came. On May 1, my savings was zeroed and subsequently showed back up in a savings account linked to the spend card. Since then, I have ACHed funds to the spending account (same account and routing numbers used with Sunrise) and used the card for purchases with no problems. I did have to reset my password around May 2 to regain online access.
    I'm guessing the account closures are due to non-activation of the new cards. Months ago, Mango announced that this would happen if new cards didn't get activated.
    If you're getting closed out and wish to keep a Mango account, I'd just re-apply for a new account once the old one is closed.