May Wrap Up: Best Posts Of The Month, $25 Winner Announced & $200 Given To Charity

Another month has been and gone, where does the time go? It’s been a good month for myself, three credit card applications added an additional $1,480 to my kitty and I’ve now earned over $3,100 for the year. Most of this has come from bank account bonuses with a few credit card applications thrown in for good measure. You can view the full break down here.

It was also a great month for the blog itself:

  • Blog traffic increased by 45%
  • Our newsletter grew from 110 subscribers at the start of May to 405 subscribers by the end of May, growth of 368%!

I’m still not making any real money, but seeing both my traffic and newsletter sign ups increase by so much is a really promising sign. Because it’s the end of the month it’s also time to give away $25 to one of our newsletter subscribers, if you’re not one of the 405 already subscribed you can do so by adding your details in the sidebar to the right. We use to draw a number between 1 and 405 and then give the money (via paypal or Amazon) to whichever person that number associates with according to aweber. This months winner is 286 which is du**********, we’ve e-mailed this person to claim their prize. If they don’t claim it by the end of the month, it’ll jackpot and we will give two prizes out next month.


It’s also time to make good on my charity donation pledge. I asked twice on twitter for suggestions and unfortunately didn’t receive any responses. In the end I decided to ask my beautiful girlfriend and she said “oooh animals!”,  we went with the World Wildlife Fund. We decided to up the anti and donate $210 this month (we donated $125 last month) bringing our grand total to $335 donated.

Remember to try and use our affiliate links where possible and support our sponsors if you like what they are offering. Every month we give a minimum of 10% of this blog’s income (although this is currently much much higher). If you have any suggestions on which charity I should give money to next please let me know in the comments section or on twitter. We’ll be trying to focus on smaller charities in the future.

Best Posts For May 2014

In case you missed ’em, here are some of our most popular & best posts for May 2014. We’ve only included posts where the content is still valid, deals that are now expired are not listed no matter how popular they were.