This offer has expired, but they have a new offer for $200 with easier to meet requirements.
Offer at a glance
- Maximum bonus amount: $250
- Availability: Only available to residents who live within a 50 mile radius of a 5/3rd branch. Use this to find out how far you are from the nearest branch. They have branches in the following states: FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, NC, OH, PA, TN, WV
- Direct deposit required: Yes, $100 or more. Click here to see what has counted in the past.
- Additional requirements: None
- Hard/soft pull: Soft
- Credit card funding: Unsure
- Monthly fees: $11-$20, waivable
- Early account termination fee: None listed, in the past you’ve been required to keep it open for 9 months.
- Expiration date:
Accounts must be opened by December 20thLooks like this offer has been extended indefinitely.
The Offer
Both of these bonuses require you to call or go into a branch. Make sure you quote the promotional codes listed below.
- Receive a $250 bonus when you open a Established, Preferred, Enhanced account and set up a direct deposit of $100 or more. Promotional code is 76069
- Receive a $100 bonus when you open Essential or eAccess checking account. Promotional code is 95715.
The Fine Print
- All bank account bonuses are treated as income/interest and as such you have to pay taxes on them
- Offer not available to existing 5/3rd checking customers or those who’ve held an account within the past twelve months
- Direct deposit must be received within 60 days of opening the account
- Bonus will be deposited into the account within 5 business days of when the direct deposit is received
- Limit of one bonus per household, cannot be combined.
Avoiding Fees
There is no early account termination fee listed, but in the past you’ve had to keep it open for at least 9 months. We’re unsure if this being enforced or not, as last time it was not. Each account has a different monthly fee and ways to get this monthly fee waived. We’re going to look at the enhanced and eAccess as they are the easiest ones to get waived.
eAccess ($150 Bonus)
Requires you to receive monthly direct deposits of $500 or more, you can’t use checking writing and there are no paper statements.
Essential Checking $11 Monthly Fee ($150 Bonus)
You can waive the monthly fee by doing any one of the following:
- Maintain an average monthly balance of $1,500 or more across your savings and checking accounts
- Are a U.S Military member or participate in 5/3rd’s employer benefits program and receive $500 or more in direct deposits
- You’re a student
Established Checking $15 Monthly Fee ($250 Bonus)
They will waive the monthly fee if you have a combined total balance of at least $5,000 across your deposit and investment accounts. Or do any of the following:
- You have any existing Fifth Third personal mortgage, auto loan, or line of credit with an outstanding balance
- You spend at least $500 per month on a Fifth Third credit card
- You have a Business Premium or Business Elite Checking account and have completed a relationship consent form
Enhanced Checking $20 Monthly Fee ($250 Bonus)
It’s possible to waived the $20 monthly fee if you have combined total balance of at least $20,000 across your deposit and investment accounts one time per month
Our Verdict
The $250 bonus requirements to stay fee free are too high, I’d only recommend going for this bonus if you want to invest $20,000 in deposit or investments with 5/3rd (I think there are much better options out there personally) or if you can confirm there is no early account termination fee in which case you could just pay for one month and still receive a $230 bonus.
The $150 bonus is pretty easy to complete. If I lived within the service area then I’d probably go after this deal because the bonus posts so quickly after receiving the direct deposit requirement. Unfortunately I don’t live within the service area I’ll have to miss out. It’s also important to note that 5/3rd is constantly offering different bonuses, so you might be better off waiting.
Earlier this year they offered a $300 bonus, with $150 going to you and another $150 going to stand up to cancer. As always, you can view more bank sign up bonuses by visiting our dedicated page.
Direct link to offer | Screenshot of offer
Thanks to unkinected from FWF
View Comments (5)
Data point: branch might guilt trip you for just wanting the bonus and not their 0.05 APY savings account. Might also call you one of "those people."
$200 coupon worked fine in NC though!
I tried to open an account using this promo code to get 250 and the person I spoke to told me the offer is expired. Has anyone been able to open this account recently?
This is an easy bonus, just be aware that Fifth Third bank uses Early Warning, so if you have anything on record with them, they will close your account after opening. This happened to my b/f last month. You have 30 days to clear up the record with Early Warning though.
Another easy bonus is the Capital ONe 360 $100 for checking + $100 for savings, if you open the account by Dec 1st. Here's a reference link: (removed link. Please don't referral spam).
Just so everyone is aware, this is a targeted offer. I have a relative who works for Fifth Third and they confirmed that when a banker opens the account, the promotion will only work if the name on the account matches the name on the list of individuals who were sent the offer. No work around this that they are aware of.
Got confirmations this isn't the case. You can't open online, so people should be able to confirm they'll get the sign up bonus before they join anyway.