My Chase & AmEx Credit Card Denials

Dear Diary,

For the past number of months, I’ve tried repeatedly to signup for Chase and American Express cards with no success.

Twice I tried for the Chase INK Preferred card and got denied. On my recent applications, I even lowered my credit lines significantly which is supposed to help odds of approval (even instant approvals). Alas, to no avail. They continue to deny me due to: the number of my active cards, my available credit, too many requests for credit, low usage of Chase credit line, and new Chase business card opened (it’s been many months since my last approval, but it’s still too new per the memo).

With regards to AmEx, for years I had never been hit with the infamous pop up ineligibility message. But a few months ago they put me in pop up jail. Despite numerous attempts at some of the excellent recent card offers from AmEx, I’ve yet to be released from prison.

For now I’m giving up on new cards with Chase and AmEx. I’ll revisit in six months or a year and see if they’re willing to let me back in the fold.

Instead I applied last night for the Citi Business AAdvantage card with a bonus of 65,000 points (which is not the highest its been) and go an instant approval. Yay! I also lobbed in an application for the U.S. Bank Triple Cash card and was approved the next day; that card comes with a bonus of $750 and with 0% APR for 12 months. #winning

Until tomorrow,

View Comments (122)

  • Lol I’m getting worried about this. I have nine enquiries and about 30 credit cards and at 5/24 and was gearing up to add the last Ink card (premier) to the quartet I already have. Now I’m worried I may not get approved. I also have a 250k AMEX rewards pre approved offer expiring on 1 October, is it going to get approved? I have 9 inquiries on Experian and an 840 score. Worried now.

  • I’ve been riding the Ink train for a while recently, since we’ve been under 5/24. Three for P1 and five for P2 across the last 15 months. Got my first denial earlier this month for same generic reasons as everyone else. I guess it’s finally time to move on and start picking up the small bank cards (still in PUJ with AMEX).

  • Similar situation (but only with AMEX); I called and they told me it was because of too many recent cc openings (none are AMEX). Rep suggested I call Experian and speak with someone about the info they are sharing with AMEX. I don't know what to say to them but I'll try and post back if something comes of it.

  • @6 How many active Inks do you have? If you have more Inks than you need, and they are more than a year old, close some. That seems to be a factor lately, and was mentioned in your reasons for denial. Good luck.

  • Been in the same situation here.

    The INK train just ended for me, denied last week after multiple approvals over last 2 years. Have also been in pop up jail for a couple years, although I can always get approved via nll offers.

    On the bright side, I have been approved for 3 BofA Premium Rewards cards in the last 18 months.

    • Chase will deny you for new application requests if you've been issued 5 personal credit cards from any carrier (not just Chase) in the last 24 months. There's lots written about this-google Chase 5/24-and lots of nuance to it.

      If your new, check out the churning subreddit. Very informative.

      • Lurk but never post, lest you ask the wrong question and get your reddit account stoned to death with downvotes so you will never be able to post with that account again. Bunch of girly neckbeards over there anyway.