National Park Week – Free Admission to National Parks, 4/16-4/24

The Offer

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  • Enjoy free admission to National Parks during National Park Weeks
  • From April 16 until April 24, 2016

Park Locator

Our Verdict

Hard to plan vacation around promotions like this, but if you are near a National Park, free is always fun.

HT: vegasvegan onĀ Fatwallet

View Comments (1)

  • I think National Parks Week is always the calendar week+weekends containing Earth Day, April 22. Sometimes it's fee-free all nine days, sometimes just the weekdays, sometimes just the first weekend.

    Also, the fee-free days for the next year are typically announced in November or December.

    The other typical fee-free days are MLK Day or weekend (third Monday of January), the NPS' birthday or weekend (August 25), National Public Lands Day (last Saturday of September), and Veterans Day (November 11).

    So that should help a little with the planning!