There are two new coin deals being released on Monday, May 24 at noon ET, which can be resold profitably:
- Morgan 2021 Silver Dollar with CC Privy Mark, you can buy up to 10 of these, cost is $85 each coin.
- Morgan 2021 Silver Dollar with O Privy Mark, you can buy up to 10 of these, cost is $85 each coin.
There is a small shipping charge for the purchase as well. Each of these has a limit of 175,000 being sold total, so you’ll only get in on this if you move quickly when it goes live.
This coin deal has an added wrinkle in that the Mint is only shipping these in October. They’ll only charge your card then, so don’t use this to meet a spend requirement that needs to be done in the next couple of months. And use a card that you think will still be around (with the same card number/exp) in October.
I always prefer locking in a price will a reputable coin purchaser before the coins go live so as eliminate my risk, but others prefer to take the risk for a bigger profit. You should be looking for at least $250+ profit when selling all 20 coins. Remember that American Express now considers precious metal coins as a cash advance as of January 15, 2021. And Elan/Fidelity/U.S. Bank cards don’t give points.
These coin deals were popularized in the community by one coin buyer and now there are various buyers of these who people are comfortable with. We don’t make any recommendations; search around and ask friends who to trust and where to get the best offer. Feel free to discuss options in the comments below.
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Pinehurst mailed the check 10 days after they claimed they sent it (based on postmark). They are saying delivery takes 1-3 weeks due to the post office, but in reality they are sitting on it. Not sure if they are having cashflow issues.
Same! Still waiting for my check. I lost track but I think Monday will be 3 weeks. The others arrived within 2 days. Total CF issue for sure
Update, check is arriving today, post stamped 11/24. Items were received 11/9
Not a huge deal, I understand the predicament and I don’t mind floating them. However, I do mind them telling me that the check was mailed 11/15!
I have a feeling they will back down their offers.
That recent $2620 gold coin appears to be on their website. They had them rated and it looks like they have a few 70s, perfect grade and that took time and I’m sure they are not flying off the shelf.
Also, the mint has a 2 week COVID package quarantine before they even start the process of returning anything.
This is not a game for people with little savings for sure.
Pinehurst gave me a deadline to deliver my coins. Still waiting on 2 sets stuck in processing limbo. Anyone have any experience with them cancelling PO's? Do they offer any extensions?
Right now Im locked in for the $180/160 price, looks like they probably want to clear out these higher liabilities and force me into the latest offered price of $100/coin.
I received an email from PFS saying that the payment was sent, but only 3 out of 4 echecks arrived. Contacted them about the missing $1000 echeck, but haven't heard back. Makes me worried.
Actually, I did receive the check. Just didn't a notification for it. It seems deluxe checks has an issue with their emails getting blocked.
How do I correspond with Pinehurst?
You would first need to create an account with them if you are planning to sell.There is also a contact form
Gotcha, sent them an email. What's their response time?
I just received 3 payments from PFS for 3 of the Morgan coin deals recently, including this one, for those still waiting. They are catching up.
Yeah, I got one too.
me too. 3 payments today.
Anyone gotten paid yet? Usually they're much faster than this. Hope it isn't liquidity issues...
Deluxe checks has issue with emails alerts. You might have the echecks in your account. Worth checking
I have - both O and CC
Has anyone been credited for a PFS bonus?
Anybody received the bonus yet?
Yes I did a few weeks ago. Solid company.
totally forgot about the $100 bonus for completing all 3 Morgan deals. Good thing I checked this again. Thanks for posting this.
I messaged them about the bonus yesterday and they said it will be a separate payment in a few weeks.
yes, I have been credited for the 5/24 O, 5/24 CC, 8/3 Morgan D & S, and 8/10 Morgan & Peace deals. Still waiting on my eChecks though.
If you are referring to the extra $100 for completing all the morgan deals, I asked PFS and they said they will credit that in a few weeks once things calm down.
Not yet
Revisiting this thread. My orders haven't shipped yet. Any one else in that boat? Any one considering canceling? I'm worried if I don't receive these coins soon and subsequently offload them, these buyers will cancel their POs and I'll be stuck with these coins. Yikes.
I received all of mine and shipped to PFS, still awaiting payment from their end but they did confirm receipt.
I’ve been waiting for payment for about a week now, this is odd considering the payout used to be just one day.
Yep, waiting too.
On your payments page they will show an "on or before" date for each request. I am guessing they are slower than usual because of all the orders processing now.
My pricey 10x CC + 10x O order is conveniently nowhere to be found (while it says it was delivered) while I got the other 2 packages. Claims are in-process with both the US Mint & UPS. How the hell they don't ship these with a signature confirmation requirement or even a pic of where the package was left is baffling.
Now that these are shipping is who’s with me in ignoring PFS and sending the coins to another buyer?
Pinehurst dropped their price to $100 per coin as well...
I decided this morning to move my 3x D and 3x S to Pinehurst at their $100 offer once PFS was no longer a buyer, no one else was responding or said they were "full", and the eBay market looked *very* soft this AM. I'm holding onto the 10x each of CC and O and 3x each of Peace and Morgan, though.
PFS isn't even a buyer anymore as of this AM.
Do you mean PFS is canceling their purchase agreements?
No, they just aren't buying if you didn't opt in with them back when the deal was live. That seems to be the case with most (all?) of this year's silver coin deals as the market has been middling. I committed three orders to PFS and they are honoring the original deals. I had also asked if they wanted one that I didn't opt into and they essentially said if we still have it up on the "deal" page we are still interested otherwise we have what we need.
PS I should have opted into that deal, ebay value on the two coin proof set 21xj is only about $50 above what I paid for it which is basically at cost after fees/shipping. Had I done PFS would have made $100. Oh well, assuming all the "locked-in" deals pay out my out of pocket cost is less than spot price of silver per coin.
My purchase agreement with them is still in effect.
I don't know about that. I just initiated contact yesterday early morning (Oct 27) and they said they weren't interested.
Yikes. When it's too much trouble to even lowball, it's time to be concerned.
Thanks for shaing! I then think that I do not even need to contact PFS.
What other buyers? I haven't heard back from anyone with a positive response yet. So far, just a bunch of "full" or "not interested".
@guest_1195261 yeah that's what I'm hearing. Mundt is full and the offer from jmbullion is lower than pinehurst. I sold one of my shipments for $110 a piece to Pinehurst. I will probably do eBay with the other 6 that are on the way.