[NJ only] Columbia Bank $250-$1,500 Checking Account Bonus (Requires $25,000 – $200,000)

Offer at a glance

  • Maximum bonus amount: $1,500
  • Availability: Must live or work in the State of New Jersey
  • Direct deposit required: No
  • Additional requirements: 10 debit card purchases
  • Hard/soft pull: Soft pull
  • ChexSystems: Unknown
  • Credit card funding: Up to $1,000
  • Monthly fees: None
  • Early account termination fee: Unknown
  • Household limit: None listed
  • Expiration date: None listed

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Columbia Bank is offering up to $1,500 when you open a New Yield Plus Account. Bonus you receive depends on the amount you deposit and maintain for six months
    • Qualifying new accounts will receive a cash bonus of $250 for “new money deposits” totaling $25,000 and up to $49,999.99.
    • Qualifying accounts will receive a cash bonus of $500 for “new money deposits” totaling $50,000 and up to $199,999.99.
    • Qualifying accounts will receive a cash bonus of $1,500 for “new money deposits” totaling $200,000 and above.

The Fine Print

  • In order to qualify for a one-time Yield Plus Offer cash bonus you must open and deposit a minimum total deposit of $25,000 of “new money” into your Yield Plus Checking account.
  • (“New money” is defined as deposits not previously held by Columbia Bank.)
  • We will allow fifteen (15) calendar days to complete the “new money” deposit funding process.
  • After the deposit funding process period expires, the deposit(s) must be maintained in your Yield Plus Checking account for an additional six (6) month period.
  • This is referred to as the balance seasoning period.
  • Once the six (6) month balance seasoning period expires, Columbia Bank will verify that the qualifications of the Yield Plus Offer were met and deposit the applicable cash bonus into your Yield Plus Checking account within thirty (30) calendar days.
  • Qualifying new accounts will receive a cash bonus of $250 for “new money deposits” totaling $25,000 and up to $49,999.99.
  • Qualifying accounts will receive a cash bonus of $500 for “new money deposits” totaling $50,000 and up to $199,999.99.
  • Qualifying accounts will receive a cash bonus of $1,500 for “new money deposits” totaling $200,000 and above.
  • The maximum Yield Plus Offer cash bonus is $1,500.
  • You are not eligible for additional Yield Plus Offers even if you open additional accounts and/or make additional “new money” deposits.
  • All bank account bonuses are treated as income/interest and as such you have to pay taxes on them

Avoiding Fees

Monthly Fees

This account has no monthly fees to worry about.

Early Account Termination Fee

I wasn’t able to find a fee schedule so unsure if there is any early account termination fee or not.

Our Verdict

Bonuses aren’t really that exciting due to the amount needed to be deposited and the minimum deposit length for six months. Bonus basically translates to an extra 1.5% – 2% APY and the account itself only earns a maximum of 0.6% APY. Better to just put the funds into a high yield savings account instead.

Hat tip to reader Alex

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View Comments (9)

  • It's back at $500 for $50k and $1,000 for $100k, but with the 2% APY it's still not worth it

  • I'm from the area, and I know this Bank ever since they were Columbia savings and loan, and I knew people who worked here. The data point is the last deal they had for one of their savings or checking accounts, there was no fee, but then they implemented a $20 a month fee. Of course I closed the account before I got hit with the fee, but sucks that they took a zero fee account and made it a $20 a month account,

  • I’ve churned them in the past, their CC funding is among the best, at least it was last year. $1500 or even $2000 was no problem. Then you could wait a week and open a savings acct, and do the same.

    Considering this just for the sub on my Ink unlimited 90k/$6k spend.