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The Offer
No direct link, check your local store to find this offer
- Office Depot/Max are offering a $13 instant discount when you buy $300 in Mastercard gift cards this week.
The Fine Print
- Limit one (1) offer per household/business.
- Discount applied at register.
- Offer valid 329/20 – 4/4/20.
- Offer valid in store on Mastercard Gift Cards only.
Our Verdict
This one is not showing up in the circular, but it’s appearing in stores. I wouldn’t recommend going out for this, but if you need to go out anyway this is a good deal.
We’ve seen $15 deals in the past, now they’ve lowered it to $13 which offsets the fees on a $200 card ($6.95) and $100 card ($5.95). Lots of people like racking up their INK points or another card that offers a bonus at office supply stores.
Hat tip to reader Robert
View Comments (31)
Well my OD / OM have pulled the GC kiosks altogether. They removed them due to some fraud issue with FUZE cards. I’m in STL and have checked 3 and the results were all the same. I discovered this on Sunday. I have heard from others that this has happened as well though I’m not sure where they were located.
Mgr said he was sure when they would be back.
Same thing with my local stores. Their shtick was that it was an experiment, and they might not be back.
Same here, as of last week they no longer sell any gift cards at my local OM in MI. The funny thing is I have been going to that location for 7 years and never saw anyone else buying any when I was there. According to the cashiers they don't sell many and I buy the most at that location. I have only seen the 5 back Visas sell out there and that was a few years ago.
What's wrong with OD and Blackhawk? The sensible thing to do would be to move such deals online in this time of national stay-at-home. It is a reputational risk to OD, if one of their stores became a virus hotspot.
I am sorry but this is disgusting of any store to ask people to go outside. Our community must take a stand to prevent the virus from spreading. is this company presuming people in the points community are financially desperate? That is horrible.
They probably had this sale set up in the works months ago. They're designed for people to pick up while they're in store, not designed for MSers. MSers just take advantage of them. Plus, it's not like it's advertised in an ad, just in store.
This isn't about you or whether you'll brave the virus. It's about the healthcare workers (like my friends) who risk their lives in the ER. After you go out and get sick from Office Depot card runs, you'll bring your imbecile self to the hospital for treatment and endanger the lives of nurses/doctors/respiratory therapists/janitors/nurse assistants/anesthesiologist...etc. It's not about you, it's about those that risk their lives to save others.
For people who have marketplace insurance, certain insurers don't even take debit card payment let alone cc or bank transfer. The only payment method accepted is pre-paid VGC and MGC. Yes, wow!
can't liquidate virus free. I'll sadly pass on this one.
Come on, man. Let's be smart and stay at home. In no way is buying these gift cards essential.
Please stay home, please.
Yep, stay in your bunker for the next 18 months. Don't come out for anything.
Jack- Travel points and miles are useless if we can't go anywhere without being quarantined when we get there. Please stop the spread so we can get back to normal and start traveling again.
We found our next patient.
more like an in-patient ;)
Are people still having problems with MCGC bought from OD/OM? There were people having problems with their MCGC not activated or was drained back in Dec/Jan.
None reported for now but why take the risk? MCGC + reduced discount is a no brainer decision for me. I'm staying home.
Didn't Chase send out warnings to Ink cardholders with a threat of AA if their users kept gaming the rewards system? Tread with caution
What is AA
adverse action
thats only referral abuse not when you buy GC to earn points.
Need to debunk the rumor mill
Read the update at the top of the post and the comments.
Thank you for debunking that.
When did this happen?
That clearly discusses Referral bonuses only.
Read the update at the top of the post and the comments.
3 people out of several hundred or thousand all 3 of which are either doing very very large amounts in a short time or have posted comments without giving additional details.
It's pretty clear that the problem was that he was charging up a lot of gift cards and then paying his bill at Walmart. Possibly with the gift cards that were purchased with the card.
How much in gift cards were you buying? I only buy when they have deals like this and have been doing it for years. If you were funneling thousands a month on office supply purchases for GCs than yes I can see them flagging that spending.
thats only referral abuse not when you buy GC to earn points.
"....but this letter was sent out to people who were using methods to bypass the 5 card referral cap to earn additional points. Not just people who were hitting the 5 referral cap and others kept using their links."