[Expired] Office Depot/Max: Earn 25% Back In Rewards On Select Giftcard Purchases

Deal has ended, view more Office Depot/Max deals by clicking here.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Office Depot/Max is offering 25% back in rewards when you purchase $100+ in any of the following gift cards (limit of $25 in rewards per member)
    • Bed Bath & Beyond
    • Fanatics
    • Fandango
    • GameStop
    • Gap
    • Hello Fresh
    • Hulu
    • JCPenney
    • Netflix
    • Spafinder
    • Uber
    • Vudu

The Fine Print

  • Valid in store only
  • Valid until December 11, 2021.
  • Limit $25 in reward per member

Our Verdict

Purchase a $100 gift card to max out this promotion.

View Comments (23)

    • Theres a place where you’re logged into your account where you can report missing rewards. I put in my receipt # and a few details I can’t remember and they posted my missing rewards in about 2-3 days.

      • @guest_1290811 I only see a place to "Add a Purchase" in case you forgot to give you phone number or rewards account membership in-store. I don't see a place to report missing rewards. Any link? "Add a Purchase" doesn't work for me as I already provided my rewards account phone number in-store. So, when I try manually adding the purchase on their website with the details on the receipt, I get the message this receipt is already attached to this account. So, that want work.

  • got excited when i first saw the words "Office Depot/Max" as was expected another week of fee waived visa/mastercards. but i guess not.
    happy holidays

    • @guest_1290730 Look again, doc just posted there's a MCGC deal this week, started yesterday.
      The Staples ones we know about in advance because they're in the flyer, but ODOM is usually a surprise.

    • it would be best if they took a break til second week of Jan. Thats when i return from my trip and would hate to miss out on a deal.