Opto: Invest $25,000+ & Get A $300 Bonus

Update 9/10/24: Now requires a deposit of $25,000 rather than $3,000. No longer worth doing.

The Offer

Direct link to offer

  • Opto is offering a bonus of up to $300. You must make a deposit of $500 – $3,000 and invest at least 50% of that for 120 days from the date of deposit.
    • Deposit USD $500 – USD $999.99 and get a $50 bonus
    • Deposit USD $1,500 – USD $2,999.99 and get a $150 bonus
    • Deposit USD $3,000 or more and get a $300 bonus
  • Note you must register for the bonus by clicking find out more on the home page you also must be subscribed to the newsletter, but you’re auto enrolled at sign up. Can see more information here.

The Fine Print

  • The Offer entitles an Eligible Customer to receive from Opto the one-time corresponding bonus amount (“Bonus”) set out in the below Table (“Table”) in their Alpaca Trading Account. To receive the corresponding Bonus, the Eligible Customer must: (a) Make their deposit into their Alpaca Trading Account after the commencement of the Offer Period and before the Offer Period ends or expires; (b) Keep the deposit made under this Offer in their Alpaca Trading Account for a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date their deposit is credited into their Alpaca Trading Account; (c) Meet the minimum deposit requirement of USD $500; and (d) Meet the investment value threshold requirement in the Table that corresponds to the value of their deposit within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date their deposit is credited into their Alpaca Trading Account.

Our Verdict

Bit of a weird brokerage, they offer ‘themes’ which are just a bucket of investments targeting particular sectors (e.g AI) but you can also buy individual stocks or something like SGOV. Overall seems worth doing and will add to the best brokerage bonuses.

Hat tip to reader snailrock

View Comments (133)

  • I signed up minutes after the change of terms. I took the screenshot of the original terms, submitted via chat and said just wanted to confirm that these were the terms despite the website changing. The rep emailed me back saying that they would honor the original 300/3000 terms and that I just needed to reply "I accept" via email and that he would update the records. Ethics have no place in bank and brokerage bonuses.

    • It depends on your prerogative, @guest_1909499.

      • Do you mind putting $25K into the stock market for the next 5 months for an additional $300?
      • Do you have other offers you can be doing that are better?
      • Do you trust this fintech to last long enough to get your bonus and get out?
        • "Do you trust this fintech to last long enough to get your bonus and get out?"

        This is my only concern. I was thinking about doing the $3k, but certainly won't do the $25k...at least right now. I'm trying to schedule the other sketchy broker offers, like MooMoo.

      • I also think 25k for $300 is a decent deal, and I would buy something like SGOV which pays no less than most of the savings accounts. I'm mainly concerned with this being an un familar fintech. I still have a couple of dollars trapped in my Juno account (I was lucky to have most funds pulled out before their issue occured), and I don't want to have 25k locked with this new fintech for more than 5 months.

        • Especially since we are dealing with an entity that issues fractional shares, if something happens to the fintech, I think it would be a mess.

          However, I am betting $3K we are not going to have issues though. I submitted the SGOV "Buy ALL" order Monday night after hours, and the transaction went thru Tuesday morning. Now all that left is the waiting.

          At $25K, not so sure I would be so adventurous though. GL with your decision! @guest_1909499

        • Thank you for reminding me of my locked up money in Juno. 😒

          A $300 bonus on $25K is still a decent deal if you won't be needing that money for several months.

          BTW, I wouldn't worry about Opto possibly going under. The brokerage that we are investing with has insurance to cover our funds.

    • I think so, yes. Depends on what other options you have for these funds. For reference, Chase's brokerage offer is 125 for 25k (90 days hold).

  • I just received the reply from the CSR, they said as long as one registered before the terms update, the original terms still apply.

  • You can ask the support chat to confirm the offer you are enrolled in. I asked yesterday and the chat confirmed I was enrolled in the $3k for $300 bonus

    • Same. I applied about half an hour before it was pulled yesterday morning. They confirmed and provided an image of the terms w/ $3k.

      It's reasonable for them to change the offer at any time and they're honoring if you applied prior to this change. As long as it goes smoothly no one can complain here.

    • Can confirm I signed up when it was on the seperate doc page on Friday and asked CS and they just responded I’m signed up under the old 3000/300 offer. They even acknowledged they changed it.

  • Terms on current link:
    Deposit $2000-5999, bonus $50
    Deposit $6000-24,999, bonus $100
    Deposit $25,000+ bonus $300

    Looks like it got considerably worse

  • I signed up under the $3k offer but the site was giving an error for the full t+c. CS sent me a copy of the $3k terms and confirmed I made it in under those conditions. @guest_1908795 @guest_1908717 @guest_1908592