Update 9/19/24: More emails sent out today with claim numbers, check your spam email folder for donotreply@katzprivacysettlement.com
Oracle Class Settlement
A Settlement has been proposed in class action litigation against Oracle America, Inc. (“Oracle”). This class action alleges that Oracle improperly captured, compiled, and sold individuals’ online and offline data to third parties without obtaining their consent. Oracle denies all the allegations made in the lawsuit and any wrongdoing and maintains that its practices were lawful and disclosed to individuals.
How do I get a payment? You must submit a valid Claim Form by October 17, 2024. Claim forms may be submitted online at www.KatzPrivacySettlement.com or printed from the website and mailed to the address on the Claim Form. Claim Forms are also available by calling 1-888-255-4036 or emailing Questions@KatzPrivacySettlement.com. You are not required to submit a claim, but if you are in the Settlement Class and do not submit a claim, you will lose your right to claim compensation in connection with the Settlement.
Our Verdict
Seems you’d have gotten an email if you were affected and you need the email in order to file. The emails are being sent to spam so check that and file if you got one. Not sure what the expected payout is.
A reader suggests that email addresses associated with Blue Apron accounts are more likely to get these Oracle class settlement eligibility emails.
You can search your spam for “Katz-Lacabe v. Oracle Settlement Administrator” or “donotreply@katzprivacysettlement.com” or “Subj: Legal Notice of Class Action Settlement: You May Be Entitled To Compensation”.
View Comments (88)
Going through my spam for something today and found this after the deadline. I don't even check each spam email individually. Wonder why gmail marked it as spam. They also gave a pretty short window to file the claim. Oh well, I'll deal with the FOMO when I see folks getting $100+ in settlement
They sent me a warning 3 or 4 times. I think that is very fair.
I received an email today with the subject "Last Chance to Submit Your Claim Form in the Katz Privacy Settlement". This time it ended up in my Inbox rather than my Spam. So there's 1 more chance that everyone was targeted.
There's only 4 more days to submit the claim. For those of you that are curious, I haven't submitted my claim yet. 😉
Showed up in my Gmail spam folder this evening. Submitted claim, let’s see what happens
Thanks DoC for the heads-up on these which always land in my junk folder.
No email, but checked and used Blue Apron after start date, so should be eligible.
I've never used Blue Apron. Any idea what other service that I could have used that caused me to be targeted for this?
I got these emails at addresses I used for: Blue Apron, Blue Ridge Outdoors, Lenovo, Freshly, Marshalls, The Walking Company, something with initials "ems" which I don't remember what it was, and one of my gmail addresses (which might mean Google, or something else I used that address for)
Same. Never used Blue Apron
Thank you, Doc.
Does anyone know of a way in gmail to turn off all spam filtering?
Also if you read the terms/faqs clearly, it is once per person, not once per email. I have like a dozen emails that I used to use for shopping and I got this email on almost all of them, but filling the form only once.
Gotta love this part:
Class Counsel will ask the Court to award up to 25% of the Settlement Fund (i.e. up to $28.75 million) for attorneys’ fees
I guess I'll sign up for my 83 cents...
Got one in spam. I have used Blue Apron. Thanks Doc!
I received $1: 19 cents in check by mail for other big class action lawsuit . Not wasting my time on filing this even though I got notification
I got over $200 on a Havaianas settlement a few years ago. It literally takes a few mins to complete the form, and you never know when you'll get a good one.
Yet you wasted your time commenting here. Filling out the form would probably take about the same amount of time
You LIAR! You're just trying to discourage everyone else so you can hoard all $4.21 that will be paid out to the plaintiffs after the attorneys take their "share".
You're on the wrong site my guy