Paypal Digital Gifts Limiting Us to 4 Gift Cards Per 10-Days

Four Gift Card Limit from PPDG

It looks like Paypal Digital Gifts (PPDG), a seller on eBay, is now limiting us to buying four e-gift cards total per rolling 10-days.

Over the past few days, readers have been reporting a new limit for the purchasing of discounted gift card deals from PPDG on eBay. The eBay checkout system is now limiting us to buy just four discounted gift cards from PPDG per rolling 10-days.

This limit applies to all gift card brands from PPDG that are on sale. For example, PPDG is currently offering Jiffy Lube, Domino’s, and Cabela’s gift cards at a discount. The system will only let you buy four cards total, whether you buy all from one brand or a mix of the brands.

Two important notes about this limit:

  • This 4-limit is exclusive to PPDG, whereas the other eBay gift cards sellers don’t have such limits, and you can buy up to the allowed amount of each deal.
  • This limit is tied to an eBay account; it won’t be possible to buy four with one Paypal account and four with another.
  • Discounted eBay gift cards ARE included in this limit as well.

Full Priced Gift Cards

Interestingly, with regards to full-priced gift cards purchased from PPDG, the 4-limit rule seems to vary. Some gift cards are included – once you bought four gift cards from PPDG within the past 10-days it won’t be possible to buy a full-priced card – while other cards are not included.

All the major brands that I tested out (eBay, Best Buy, BRU, iTunes, etc.) were NOT affected by this 4-limit, meaning that you can hopefully buy as many of these as you want at full price. Still not clear, though, is why some of the smaller brands get the 4-limit even on full-priced cards, such as Shutterfly, Go Play Golf, and FanDuel.

Note that while full-price gift cards are not included in the new limit, purchasing full-price cards will limit you for the future. You may be able to buy up thousands of dollars worth of full-price gift cards, but you’ll then have to wait ten days to buy even a single discounted gift card from PPDG.

$1,000 Limit per Rolling 30-Days

A while back, we wrote about The Obscure Limits of Paypal Digital Gifts and concluded that most people are limited to buying $1,000 worth of gift cards from PPDG per rolling 30-days.

Interestingly, there are some indications that more recently this rule is being relaxed, and it’s possible to buy more than $1,000. Demflyers reported being able to buy more than $1k within 30-days, and I found the same back in December.

This change is significant despite the new 4-limit since it’s often lucrative to buy lots of full-priced gift cards on eBay since PPDG has been working to earn 5x with INK. Throw in a good Bonus Bucks offer and a bonus portal offer, and it can be a great deal even at full price; see our List of Best Options for Full-Price Gift Cards on eBay. Not having to deal with the $1k limit would make things easier on that end.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line as I see it right now is that we can buy as many full-priced gift cards as we want, even more than $1k per month, perhaps, but we won’t be able to buy more than four discounted cards per rolling 10-days.

It would seem that this new 4-limit isn’t due to fraud, as full-priced gift cards don’t have the limit. Rather, PPDG is probably trying to crack down on resellers who buy the discounted gift cards to resell them. Let’s hope this doesn’t spread to the other gift card resellers on eBay.

We have to wait to see how this develops, and please share your experiences in the comments. It’s possible that the limit is only affecting certain people, so please let us know.

View Comments (7)

  • I have not had this problem so far. But technically I've only bought 4 discounted gift cards and 4 with a "bonus" added on today. So not sure if there is a difference.

  • Anyone notice the latest PPDG sales are only for pre-approved buyers? "This listing is restricted to pre-approved buyers only. Email the seller to be placed on that pre-approved list."

    Emailing them doesn't seem to do anything

  • i cant buy at all from them no full price gc and not ebay gc,
    is there anything to do to get in by ppdg? thanks

  • My experience is a lil diff from your examples. I bought 9x $100 Bestbuy GC 8 days ago without any discount. And that particular purchase seems to limit any further purchase of discounted GC from PPDG for 10 days. I get that 10 days limit warning sign when I try to add even one Cabela's GC.

    • Interesting, so the full-priced cards do count for the future to stop you from buying more. Let me add that point.