PPDG/eBay and Cardcash are No Longer Earning 5x with INK+, Nor 3x with INK Preferred

[Updated and reposted 10/23/17 since we’ve now clarified all the unknowns about the change.]

As of October 17, 2017, Paypal Digital Gifts and Cardcash are no longer earning 5x when paying with the Chase INK card. It used to code as Internet/Phone (for whatever reason) and earn 5x, but no longer. It seems  that Paypal Digital Gifts and Cardcash have switched something in their coding (probably at Chase’s request) which resulted in the change.

In Brief

Does not work:

  • PPDG/eBay with INK Plus/Cash Visa card now earns 1x
  • PPDG/eBay with INK Preferred card now earns 1x
  • PPDG/direct with INK Plus/Cash Visa card now earns 1x
  • Cardcash on INK Visa cards now earns 1x even when paying with Paypal

Still works:

  • INK Masterdards are still working to earn 5x on PPDG and Cardcash (e.g. INK Bold Mastercard or legacy INK Plus/Cash Mastercard)
  • Gyft via Paypal with INK Plus/Cash card still works for 5x
  • Giftcardmart via Paypal with any INK card still earns bonus: 5x for Plus/Cash/Bold, 3x for Preferred
  • Swych via Paypal with any INK card still earns bonus: 5x for Plus/Cash/Bold, 3x for Preferred


PPDG with INK Plus/Cash Visa

Here’s a screenshot from PPDG on INK Plus Visa card:

Initially, PPDG direct purchases were still earning 5x, even after eBay/PPDG stopped working, but soon-after that stopped as well.

PPDG with INK Preferred Visa

A friend of mine confirmed that INK Preferred is no longer earning 3x either.


Reddit reporters note that Cardcash is also not earning 5x anymore.


Gyft is also still working, as per reader Keith.


Giftcardmart still earns 5x with INK Plus/Cash and 3x with INK Preferred, as before.

Update 2/19/18: Sometime in beginning of February this changed and no longer earns 5x for now.


Swych is still working too.

INK Mastercard (Bold/Cash/Plus)

Interestingly, @voyagingdoc tells me that INK Bold Mastercard is still working.

And a reader tells us that it’s working on Cardcash too.

These INK changes are not affecting Mastercard at all, only Visa. All current versions of INK are Visa, but there are a few different legacy INK versions which are Mastercard (Bold/Plus/Cash). These are still working on PPDG and Cardcash for 5x.

Final Thoughts

This is a huge hit for gift card buyers. For me, PPDG is the biggest hit.

If anyone has a data point on Swych since October 17, please let us know. Appreciate if you can send me a screenshot as well (chuck@docotorofcredit.com).

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