The Offer
- New customers on can use promo code: RED10 to get $10 off the purchase of a gift card that costs $15 or more.
The Fine Print
- Actual price of gift card must be $15 or more
- Expiration unknown
Our Verdict
The standard offer you see for new Raise customers is $5 off $50, and this one is significantly better. If you shop a lot, Raise is a worthwhile site to get used to as you can often save by buying discounted gift cards. They are usually fastest at sending out the cards; it’s often instant and sometimes takes a few hours to come. This is a nice opportunity to try out the site and get $10 off a gift card that costs $15 or more.
HT: Slickdeals
Note: Links in this posts are not referral links and we don’t get any compensation for this post.
View Comments (5)
"quick" and are not usually used in the same sentence of late. Anybody tried to call customer service lately? Astronomically lone wait cues -- then they try to get you to leave your phone #'s for call-backs - which never come. And then there's the wee matter of getting paid if you're selling cards with raise.... still waiting.
So quick... They tried to play with us.
That was quick.
Ditto. Expired.