Recap: Big Business Of Credit Cards, Marriott Lip Service & More

  • The Credit-Card Kingmaker by WSJ. This just goes to show how big business this hobby and in particular TPG has become. The article states that TPG doesn’t accept free travel to remain unbiased, but it also claims that the TPG award ceremony cost $1,500,000 and travel companies paid $1,250,000 of that. You know how much the DoC award ceremony cost? $0.
  • Marriott Launches ‘Dial 0 for Lip Service’ Campaign by Rapid Travel Chai. Look I’m no expert, but I don’t think now is a good time for Marriott to be launching a cosmetics brand. Especially Le Meridien considering some people still haven’t been contacted regarding cancelled reservations.


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View Comments (26)

  • Anyone has recollection as to when TPG started going downhill? I've been in this hobby for 6-7 years now and remember reading TPG for a while toward the beginning... not sure if I was dumb/ignorant then or was the quality actually decent. These days I still find some materials there informative but can't stand how they market most of the stuff any more.

    • I remember TPG had a website redesign a few years ago (also with a new logo). The user experience got improved a lot but the quality of articles became worse and worse.

      BTW, when can we expect a makeover of the DoC website? The user experience on mobile browser isn't good

      • We tried to redesign the site and the feedback was basically 'we don't like it, we want to keep it how it is' so I stopped trying to redesign it.

        • OK. Now if I want to use DoC on mobile, I usually click a link from Google, since Google always re-renders DoC pages to mobile friendly layouts (like removing the black border). But thanks for the effort!

          • You can just add /amp to the end of any DoC url and it will do the same thing

    • 2-3 years for me and I don't think it's declined much in that time. I suppose that means it was already bad by the time I became involved.

  • I still visit TPG just to read the comments on articles that veer into politics. Hilarious. I highly recommend it. Bascially, I enjoy the comments on any posts that have little or nothing to do with travel. Not surprisingly, those are increasingly common.

  • One of the graphs shows $4.5m in ad spend on TPG in Q4. On the open ad market, that's at minimum about $3m-3.5m (at a 70-80% revshare, but they may be higher). Q4 is the big quarter though, so don't expect that to be the same for Q1

  • I thought TPG was known for creating troll posts for tipping and if babies belong in first class.

  • I heard rumors years ago that TPG was already pulling in millions per month. For a long time I used a google extension to block their result from showing up in google search as it plagued most topics I was searching for. Sadly that extension no longer works.

  • You've gotten me hooked on primitive technology videos. I've been building all sorts of things out back these days lol.

  • Something about TPG really irks me. You know what I mean? I avoid that site like the plague.

    As @debit said. It's all about the $ and feeding off ignorant people.

  • on a only slightly related note, the Moxy I recently stayed at had no phone. The chat was barely responsive. I can't find an email for them...damn, they make it hard to complain about anything