Recap: Don’t Lie, $500 Million Sheraton Investment & More

  • Dear Travel PR, Don’t Lie by View From The Wing. Couldn’t agree with this more. I’ve got a mental list of the media departments that give frequent untruthful answers. It’s actually interesting in that the way the lie is so consistent that I’ve actually been able to use it to confirm a piece of information before (e.g “that’s definitely not happening” = that is happening).
  • Marriott to revamp Sheraton Hotels brand with major makeover by USA Today. $500 million in upgrades, not bad at all!


Deals expiring at the end of today (view the full deal calendar here):

Deals expiring at end of tomorrow:

View Comments (14)

  • I got lied to by Southwest Airlines, I was flying on a plane that got delayed because of mechanical difficulties and they announced they were giving everyone $100 vouchers, they went in alphabetical order and they got up to G in the alphabet and the new plane finally arrived so they announced anyone who didn't get their voucher call this southwest number after the flight and they will send you the voucher, I got home and called the next day and customer service said they don;t know anything about a voucher.

  • What is more worrying is that Mulvaney is also the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

  • I wonder how many Sheratons will leave the brand instead of upgrading. Since the article stated that Sheraton makes up a large chunk of Starwood's portfolio, it will be interesting to see if Marriott paid a bunch of money for hotels that end up leaving.

  • Got a dilemma I'd like some input on, not sure where to post it as I don't reddit.

    I'm wanting to apply for the CSP for P2 to use a referral link, and because P2 is at 3/24 I can either go for the Sapphire double dip now or just get the CSP now and try for a companion pass later in the year.

    So would you all say the CSR or SW CP is more valuable? Our home airport is MCO so we can usually find good flights on SW.

  • lying is perfectly ok and acceptable now. Someone ee all know has made it a habit and if some others don't speak up and extract a price for lying then they shouldn't care of others lie as well.

  • Clearly it's going to be International House of Blockchain. Expect to see a 50% gain in their stock :P

  • IHOb - I am thinking this is just a publicity stunt. I doubt they will change the signage, docs, and menus just to flip their "P". What's next? WcDonalds?