– Pay Your Rent & HOA Fees Using A Credit or Debit Card is an online service that allows you to pay your rent and home owners association fees, it’s powered by Yapstone which is a payments platform that has received $50 million+ in funding. Unlike competitors like RadPad it does not turn your rent payment into a typical paper check, RentPayment requires landlords & property managers to sign up for the service.

Payment Methods has a number of different payment methods you can use, they are as follows:

  • Credit cards (accepting Visa, Mastercard, American Express & Discover)
  • Debit cards
  • eCheck/ACH
  • Cash (moneygram locations)


RentPayments charges a “electronic service fee”. How much this fee is depends on your rent. In some cases your landlord/home owners association will absorb this fee and you will not have to pay for it.

Eligible Landlords

To find out if your landlord is using this service, you’ll need to create an account. You can then search by zipcode, address, phone number etc etc.

At the moment it does not look like they have a lot of landlords/home owner associations enrolled in this system. At the moment they only have 23,000 properties listed in the system (~3 million rental units).

Final Thoughts

It’s worth signing up to see if your landlord is listed and if they are if they absorb the credit card processing fees. My gut thought is that if they do absorb these fees, they would probably be willing to give you a cash discount as long as you always paid your rent on time or in advance.

Personally I think RadPad‘s model is better in that everybody will be able to use it once they verify their landlord. Once you have that system going I think it’s an easier sell to get them onto a fully electronic system, rather than trying to sign landlords up to that from the get go.

What are your thoughts on Is your property listed? If so, what fees did they want to charge?

Hat tip to Maximizing Money

View Comments (13)

  • Hi,
    With the demise of Plastiq, following up to see if any data points on how rentpay codes. Category bonus for CSR?

  • Anyone recently use this with a Chase card by chance? Looking to hit my SW premier at the end of the month

  • Thanks! So that would be 3% (or whatever the fee is) for the homeowner plus $24.95 for me?

    • No, should just be the one fee. The homeowner will be able to set the fee they charge the tenant. At least that's how I think it works.

  • Do you know if I could use this to pay a monthly mortgage payment, rather than a rent payment, to a family member?

    • They'd need to sign up with, not sure what fees they pass on to the homeowner but I imagine they'd be in the 3% range and then it's up to the homeowner to decide how much to pass onto the tenant. No idea what the screening process is like either.

  • Mine's a flat $22.95. No brainer. Big question- can we overpay? What happens then?

  • I use this service, the fee is a flat $24.95 for my building which is less than what I get back using my Barclaycard Arrival Plus. It's a no brainer for me.