[Rumor] Chase Sapphire Preferred 100,000 Point Offer In Branch Starts 3/23/25

According to a source on reddit who has provided reliable information in the past Chase will launch a Chase Sapphire Preferred 100,000 point bonus in branch starting March 23, 2025. The minimum spend requirement will be $5,000 within three months of account opening.

Independently other outlets have also been told to expect a similar offer to become available sometime after March 23, 2025 (not sure on exact dates). It’s unclear if the offer will eventually become available via referral or not.

Obviously a fantastic offer and we will add it to our list of the best credit card bonuses when the offer launches.

View Comments (117)

  • Sorry if this has been asked before.... do you have to have a savings/checking with Chase to apply in branch? Can having other credit cards suffice as a relationship with them in order to apply? Thanks

  • Of course this is announced as soon as I apply to the capital one venture rewards. Not too sad since I got that for 100k points.

  • Oh damn. I did the in branch offer on 3/14. Wish the banker would have told me to hold out. If it’s indeed 100k I hope they can match the offer for me. I got the spend $5k in 3 months to get 70k in branch.

  • The /r/churning FAQ post suggests that product changes take 30 days to recognize for an in branch offer like this. Anyone seen recent DPs about this? That guide is pretty old.

    • Also curious. Last time I did it I applied right after PC but it was an online app about 50 months ago.

  • Been waiting for this. This will be an insta app once/if rumor rings true. Currently 4/24 with one falling off in June, and one falling off in July. Great timing for me. It seems like 90% of the time DoC posts a rumor, it turns to fruit. Fingers crossed!

  • After holding CSR for for seven years I did downgrade it to freedom flex few months back, hope apply for CSP and get the bonus. Any idea which credit bureau chase pull the credit report from. Capital one does from all three.

  • Opened mine on March 23, 2021 and closed it on March 1, 2023. Would I be eligible for the bonus? I just applied for that Hawaiian Air card - hopefully that does not hurt.

    • What matters is when your last CSP or CSR bonus posted. Apply 48 months after that date.