Sam’s Club: $100 Roy’s Hawaiian Fusion Giftcard For $39.71 (In Store Only & YMMV), $32 Profit Per Card

The Offer

  • Some Sam’s Club stores are selling $100 Roy’s Hawaiian Fusion gift cards for $39.71. Normally these sell for $79.98, but there is a further $40.27 end of seasons savings.

The Fine Print

  • SKU is 796892
  • In store only
  • YMMV if your store has stock

Our Verdict

They also have a $30 off $50+ offer at Roy’s restaurants, should be possible to stack the two deals. You could also just resell the giftcards for a $32 profit as they are reselling for 72% of facevalue. Chances are stock is going to be extremely low or non existent, but might be worth looking if you have a Sam’s club close by. I expect these to sell out at all stores as soon as people check, so goodluck.

Hat tip to SD

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