Share Your Citi Premier 60,000 Referral Information Here

Comments now locked to prevent abuse.

As we just  posted it’s possible to get 60,000 points on the Citi Premier (previously Citi ThankYou Premier) by using a referral link. Citi does referrals a bit differently and you need to get the e-mail of the person you’re referring. I would personally recommend just trying to find a friend or family member to do this with as it will likely be easier, plus you’re helping a friend/family member (and maybe they will give you a nice little kick back) but I know some readers won’t be able to do that.

This is going to be a bit different than normal, so please read the rules.

  • Only people providing referrals (e.g sending the referral e-mails) should provide their e-mail address. People wanting to sign up for the Citi Premier can then e-mail asking for a referral to be sent out. Keep in mind the process is slow (e.g expect to wait a week or more to get your e-mail with unique URL and code).
  • I’d recommend using a throw away e-mail that you are happy to check once or so a day. DO NOT use your primary e-mail address as it will be publicly visible.
  • DO NOT post your e-mail unless you’re willing to check it on a regular basis (e.g once daily)
  • Post only your e-mail. No thanks, no extras, nothing! If your comment contains more than just your e-mail, it will be removed. If you’ve waited a day and still don’t see your referral show up, try going incognito and leaving it again.
  • Top level comments only. Don’t leave your e-mail as a reply
  • Make sure you’re able to refer people, not everybody is. Should show as a pop up after log in

When choosing who to e-mail consider also taking a moment to look through the reader’s comment history to find someone who has been helpful in the past (click the “i” next to the commenter’s name to see their history). I know these rules seem harsh, but having strict rules helps minimize the amount of time we need to spend moderating these types of posts. After 24 hours (or maybe less) I will be closing the comments to prevent abuse.