Shop Cash: $5 For Free

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Update 9/16/24: Back at this link.

Udate 4/2/24: Deal is back at this link

Update 3/22/24: Deal back at this link.

Update 3/16/24: Deal is back at this link.

Update 3/5/24: Deal is back at this link.

Update 12/15/23: Deal is back at this link.

Update 12/5/23: Deal is back at this link. or this link

The Offer

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  • Get $5 shop cash for free

Our Verdict

Shop cash is Shopify’s rewards program. You can get some items for free with this deal as some places offer free shipping. If you look at “Your Offers” you can find some shops that have multipliers on your shop cash (e.g a 3x multiplier turns this into a free $15) just make sure to check for any minimums as well. Share any good deals you find below.

View Comments (107)

  • I just received $9 of extra shop cash today, $4 through an email offer and an additional $5 on the login landing page. It seems like the $5 expires tonight so choose your items quickly if you are targeted.

    • If anyone is looking for a shop with free shipping, Ninja Transfers offers basic t-shirts and bags for very low prices with free shipping.

  • CVS has $5 if you shop 3x on ibotta. I haven’t poked around at the best way to go about it. I’m sure there is an offer avail to offset much of the purchase price of tooth paste or something.

    • Every time I've redeemed Shop Cash, the shop almost immediately is removed from the promo. Either the stores are removed as soon as they have a certain amount of promo sales, or maybe the individual account is limited.

      Point being - the shops change constantly.

      Also if part of your order is cancelled by the owner (like not in stock), you are refunded the Shop Cash portion even if you paid partially in cash. $30 shirt not in stock -> $2 shop cash refunded. It expires pretty quickly too.

    • I like to get command hooks. They're usually around the $5 cost and are useful to just have extras of.

    • Sadly didn't work for me. But if I had the $5, I'd have gotten a sample pack of the Punched caffeine gummies for $5 after shipping. Good stuff when you need a pick me up .

  • How does Shop Cash work and what are Shopify stores? How would it compare to using other rewards shopping cashback portals etc.? The idea's new to me.

    • Many small businesses use Shopify as the software to run their online store. When you check out at a store that uses Shopify, your payment and profile information is saved with Shopify, meaning you end up with a Shopify account. That account can receive promotional incentives from Shopify itself (separate from any promotions the store might send you). That's where the Shop Cash is coming from in this case.

      Shopify also has their own app that allows you to shop at stores that are powered by Shopify. As far as I know, you have to buy using the Shopify app (not the store's website) to redeem some of these Shop Cash promotions.

  • I was offered another $5 free today in the app. Expiration was June 9th after claiming it I believe.