[Expired] SoFi Invest 2% IRA Match (Plus, $1 Bonus Per Transfer)

Update 1/4/24: Offer is now increased to 2% through 4/15/24

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • SoFi Invest is offering a 1% match on IRA contributions through 12/31/23.

The max you can contribute each calendar year is $6,500, or $7,500 for those age 50+. Altogether this amounts to a max bonus of $65 or $75.

The Fine Print

  • ACATs, wires, and rollovers are not included. Offer ends 12/31/23.

Our Verdict

I’m not an expert on the investment options with SoFi Invest, but for someone who uses them this is a nice little bonus add. (Robinhood also has a 1% match – their offering seems to be advertised as a recurring deal.)

Mymoneyblog flags a completely separate SoFi bonus to get 100 loyalty points (worth $1) each time you have a recurring deposit into your Invest account, up to 3 times per week. You should be able to combine the two deals and have your IRA split up in smaller deposits three times each week through year-end.

Hat tip again to MMB

View Comments (81)

  • Update: I followed up on my January ticket in March and was told I would receive 2% instead of 1% for my 2023 contribution. Was adding my 2024 contribution a few days ago to be informed that Sofi doesn't see any record of the 2% promise and now I'm only getting 1% for my 2023 contribution.... sadly not the first time Sofi has been difficult to deal with.

  • Opened the IRA and ready for contribution. The term says 'only ACH counts'. Does the fund need to come from an external bank, or can I just use the fund in the Sofi checking account? Can anyone get the 1% bonus match confirm? Thanks

    • I transferred the funds from my Sofi Savings to IRA account. when I clicked on the activity details, description says as "ACH deposit" so I am hoping for the match.

    • My contributions were pushed from the savings/checking and I got the 1% bonus last year. Still waiting on the 2% for this year.

  • Anybody did backdoor Roth (converting from Traditional IRA to Roth IRA) within Sofi? Since the fund needs to stay 'in the IRA' for 2 years, can we do the above as the fund does not leave Sofi technically? (though moved from one account into another account)

  • This is interesting assuming they have similar fund options to what you were going to purchase anyway. Also read they have a $75 account migration fee if you ever want to transfer to another brokerage...