SoFi Money: Get $10 For Signing Up For Free Credit Score Tracking + $7.50 From Swagbucks

Update 3/25/23: You can now get $17.50 for signing up through Swagbucks – get 750 SB, plus get the $10 in SoFi reward points when going through the Swagbucks link. Swagbucks offer can be found here. (ht @addingpennies)

The Offer

Direct Link to offer

  • Start tracking your credit score for free and earn up to $10 cash in a SoFi Money account.

Our Verdict

I don’t have SoFi and haven’t been able to check out how easy the signup process is, but it sounds like an easy $10 for those who have SoFi Money.

View Comments (13)

  • Lol. I get the $10. Not the +$7.50 from last time. Doesn't matter what I do. Always a better deal.

  • $1 from SoFi if you're an existing customer. SB went pending shortly after signing up.

  • Anyone got this error?

    According to TransUnion®, you've recently tried to enroll in this product or a similar one too many times.

    Contacted sofi but useless.....

  • I have an account and see the Ad, but terms say its for new users.
    "SoFi $10 Start Tracking Your Credit Score offer: Terms and conditions apply. This offer is only available to new SoFi users without existing SoFi accounts."