Lots of people were asking about how long the new Chase Sapphire Preferred 80,000 points signup bonus will last, as people try working out the timing of their applications in terms of eligibility and other factors.
I don’t believe there’s been any official word on that, but reader Dev got an interesting reply from Chase when requesting a signup bonus match. The Chase reply was “this offer is only available to accounts opened between September 13, 2020 through November 8, 2020.”
That sounds like official wording they have on the back end. Not clear if they were supposed to divulge that part or not, but I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet to assume we have until November 8th to apply for this one. That’s really helpful to know for planning purposes.
Update: Referral links are showing an end date of 11/7/20.
(While not the topic of this post, the issue of matching signup bonuses is odd in that Chase used to always match within 90 days, and this time around it seems most people are so far being denied a match, with only a few able to get matched.)
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For those that will not qualify for the 80K offer yet, from Nov 8 to March where will be a 60K offer with $95 AF waived first year available in branch only
Thanks for this Dave
I got my CSR (downgraded to Freedom) approved on 10/19/2016, bonus was posted on the statement between 11/11/2016 ----12/10/2016. Does that mean I'm not eligible for this promotion?
I called customer service today, and the lady who was helping me out filed a report to the marketing team to review my application so they could verify that I had applied directly through the Chase website (and no other referral links) and that I had applied and been approved between the September 13 - November 8 time frame. She said that once those conditions are verified, they would most likely approve the match. So it seems like they are willing to match the offer if the account was opened directly through them (directly on their website & not through any referral links) and between the dates September 13 - November 8.
I know some other people asked this, but the 48 month window - is it from credit card approval date or Sapphire bonus posting date (statement closing with bonus)? I tried calling Chase to ask a couple different times, and actually got conflicting information from two different reps. Would be very relevant to me since I was approved for CSR on 10/26/16, bonus posted 11/25, but this 80K CSP offer expires 11/8. Any thoughts?
I'm in the same boat, I got my approval in Oct of 2016 but my bonus posted 11/13/16. I'm just days away from the 48 month cutoff but this 80k is supposedly ending on the 7th...I'm not sure if I can apply.
bonus posting date
The offer expires 11/08 if applied directly. The referral link 80k offer expires 11/20
any source for the 11/20, refer link says 11/7
Seen the memo in branch, can't test out as I don't have the CSP to generate a referral link
I got an email from them and it said the offer would last only until October 22nd though it was sent out on September 22nd or 23rd last I checked... maybe mine was more of those generic 1 month emails and the public promo will end up outlasting the targeted promo I received?
Looks like its just a generic 1 month date because I just received another email from them today and it says I must apply by October 31st.
same. Oct 31.
Got an email saying to apply by Nov 7. Looks like that’s the deadline.
I have an old sapphire (plain) card opened 3 years ago. This card was denied today even with good score and well within 5/24 rule.
So am I not eligible for this?
You can’t have more than one Sapphire product. You needed to have product changed your card to something else before applying. There’s DP about Chase not approving you if you don’t qualify for the signup bonus.
I recommend you read thru all the comments next time. There’s always some useful info and DP.
Very excited about this offer. I currently have the CSR and am planning on downgrading it to the CFU today. How long should I wait before applying for the CSP 80k after downgrading? Any rules for that or good common practices? Am I fine to apply for the CSP in the next few days? By the way, my CSR bonus posted over 48 months ago so I am good to go for another bonus as far as I know
I typically wait until I get my product changed card especially when I know the firm deadline. Ultimately your choice, but won’t kill you to wait a few days for your card so you know all is good on your end before applying.
so I got my statement with the 100k Reserve bonus on Oct 15th, 2016 - I should be good to product change the Reserve to Freedom flex and then apply for Preferred Nov 1st?