[Expired] Southwest: 29% Off Flights To/From California With Promo Code 29OFF

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The Offer

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  • Southwest is offering 29% off flights to/from California when you use promo code 29OFF

The Fine Print

  • Use promotion code 29OFF from 7/25-7/26/2023 for travel on select flights btw Cont. U.S. and California from 8/15/2023-2/14/2024 and btw Hawaii/international and California from 1/10-3/6/2024.
  • 21-day advance purchase required. Restrictions, exclusions and blackout dates apply.
  • Seats and days limited. Discount is applied before government taxes and fees.

Our Verdict

Worth checking any existing flights and any upcoming plans.

Hat tip to Dans Deals

View Comments (14)

  • I got some amazing tix without the code. Should I try to rebook with the code? I know tonight's the deadline/

  • Trying to fly into Burbank Labor Day weekend and only the late night flights are being offered for the deal. Actually, the flight I already had booked is $20 more now.

  • I did this yesterday and got a fair amount of reductions, then I did this last night to check my in-California flights and either got the promo to work with reduced prices or the promo didn't work but the prices were still reduced. Then when I went to book those flights, I noticed that they had further reduced some routes. So even if you checked yesterday, I would check again today to see if there is any more reduction.

  • Every southwest deal i've seen in the past few months has been travel dates beginning 8/15. Of course I am going to a wedding 8/11-8/13 weekend! On the lookout for other plans though :)

    • Next time you plan a wedding :) do so outside of the school breaks and you will score much cheaper airplane tix :))) LAUSD starts on 08/14 (used to be 08/15)... hence the ticket pricing.

  • Not that great a deal, I’ve seen Vegas flights cheaper. The lowest is $40 one way LAX-LAS mid week and I’ve seen sale prices go to $30 at times. Spirit and Frontier fly this route for $20 often but you have to deal with their nonsense.

  • Thanks, DoC. Just rebooked my October flight to California and got $27 flight credit each.

  • Checked for Orange County to Sacramento over Labor Day weekend and it must be blacked out as terms and condition mention unspecified blackouts. Great deal if you can find a flight though!

  • One way flights between Sacramento and San Diego for 1088 points. That almost seems impossible.