Special Link to See Amex Offers > 100

(Note 11/8/22: This doesn’t work anymore for me)

There’s long been a problem whereby AmEx Offers only show up to 100 offers at any time, and we have to keep adding useless offers to one card in order to view all available offers.

Special Link to see > 100 AmEx Offers 

Reader Jack Jones points out that you can use this link to login into your AmEx account and it’ll display more than 100 offers. I’m not sure this link will last forever, but I’ve bookmarked it for now to use when perusing AmEx Offers.

Frequentmiler reported on another advantage of this special link which is that it shows additional AmEx Offers which aren’t found in your ordinary list of AmEx Offers. Specifically, there are various offers for small businesses/Shop Small which don’t show up using the ordinary login yet show up when using this link.

Readers note in the comments that this link only works for your ‘starred’ card, so you’ll have to change the starred card if you want to check another card.

View Comments (48)

  • This is working again for me. It's a little wonky as you have to click around a bit to get 100+ offers to show but eventually they did for all of my cards except one for which I kept getting an "offers currently unavailable" message.

  • This doesn't work anymore. I'm seeing 100 offers, and when I add one and refresh, I'm still seeing 100.

  • works for me, but I can confirm that it is not showing you any of the hidden offers that you would see by adding offers to your cards, just the extra shop small offers.
    so unfortunately it is kind of useless

  • This worked for me up until a day or so ago, now when I log in using the link I just get the standard 100 offers, the web address redirect says error?reason=GROUP_OFFERS_UNAVAILABLE

  • Doesn't seem to work for me anymore, trying to switch to anything other than Shop Small doesn't do anything (the dropdown seems to be non-functional).

  • I have a no fee amex hilton card and i've never had the above issue and i typically see 130+ offers, perhaps it's because I don't pay the fee and amex wants me to spend $ so they make money.

  • This doesn't do what people think it does (unlock all the hidden offers you can't see because you are capped at 100), it simply adds the hidden Shop Small offers to the offers you normally see. Non-Shop Small offers that were hidden before due to the 100 cap are still hidden with this link. The new categories are the real way to see offers past the 100 shown by default (other than the old and slow method of adding all the offers to your card).

  • The link shows available 135 , Shop Small (47). However, none of it the offer spend 10+, get 5