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The Offer
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- Staples is offering no purchase fees on $200 Mastercard gift cards at Staples stores.
The Fine Print
- Valid 10/20-10/26
Our Verdict
Use a card that earns at a high rate on office supply stores. There is also an amex offer for 35% back at office supply stores.
Hat tip to GC Galore
View Comments (80)
Good News! My dispute cases with BHN were resolved in my favor. Just got the email seconds ago.
I wanted to stack this offer with chase 5% category on chase pay and a chase offer but when I got to the register I was told staples no longer accepts apple pay/Samsung pay etc for gift cards. You have to pay with the physical card. Staples is becoming just a waste of time for me. Especially since it seems billmatrix is no longer accepting these visa/mastercards as payment on my car note :(
It depends on staff/store, I was refused at 1 store and end up paying it with my Chase Ink Cash which still get 5% anyway then went to a second store which was able to use samsung/chase pay with my freedom which get 5% + chase offer 10%.
These GC has only 1% fee on plastiq so you should able to send in the payment of your car note. I use it to pay off principle of my mortgage (MC only). So I am getting back 4%. $1000 GC get me back $40 off after Plastiq fee.
I didn't know I could use plastiq as a work around. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for the tip!
My local store stopped advertising "no fee" promotions. Register shows the discount though.
Does anyone know if Staples would do split payment: use 2 credit cards to pay for the $200 giftcard? Thank you!
Depends on the store. Mine does.
I've done it multiple times with the Chase/boa offers. But as mentioned, YMMV. All you can is ask.
Bought 2 $200 MCGCs at Staples on Monday for the no-fee deal; registered them at GCM (thankfully). Neither one worked buying MOs @ Publix yesterday or today - the error message is "Not Authorized". But the $200 was processed out of the MC, and there is now a zero balance on each. So right now I'm out the $400. Reddit discussion states people have been having the same problem this week at certain POS's. I contacted GCM by phone and they took a report for both cards. What a mess this will be trying to get back my $400 or get 2 new cards issued. Go slow this week with these MCs, kids!
The same thing happened to me. I had not registered the card but called the CS and got it registered with $0 balance. Was told I need to wait for 24 hours for the credit to post. I tried with two different cards and I got $200 back on those cards after a few hours.
Thanks - glad to hear it but not happening here on my end. Good DP though.
I used three cards on three different voided transactions on 10/26 Sat. One card still had no balance and I am going to file a dispute for this one but will wait for a little while and I still have to wait to receive paperwork from the dispute dept.
Got $200 back on two other cards after a few hours on Sat. I had to get the transaction voided on those cards, too. It looks like the issue affects randomly. There have been reports that those MCGCs worked without any issue for some people.
Mine will not, but YMMV. I currently have three separate cards offering 10% off up to $6 (or so) so splitting would be great. They did allow me to do multiple transactions with one card on each the last time this came up.
I don't know how to liquidate mastercards except the obvious "use them as a debit card" route. I miss the Post Office days. Anyone know a good way to liquidate like VGCs?
MCGCs are great for mortgages and HELOCs through Plastiq, especially at the 1% rate.
I have an Amex Simply Cash Biz card that gives 5%. I know Amex doesn't like GCs for SUBs, but do they still pay the 5% cash back on GC purchases at Staples?
I have a Simply Cash as well and I've always gotten 5% at Staples no matter what I buy, including gift cards.
Not anymore,check your statement.
@guest_829787 I did. Purchased a $100 MC at Staples on 7/21, my only charge other than a 7.99 internet charge and received $5.08 on my 9/24 statement.
is there a limit of purchasing the Visa GC in store?
There are Mastercards. The limit varies store to store.
oh yeah. thanks.
Interestingly enough, a couple of local stores here have their own "one per customer" signs up (and enforce based on that), but I bought three a piece from two different stores this morning. Guess mileage really does vary per store.
What is the benefits of buying these? Just to use staples offers? Or can you still MS these?
MS, at least this is what I do.
My local WMT doesn't let me liquidate anymore. Any other ways to get rid of these through MS?
How do you use a credit card to purchase a gift card when Staples does not allow you to use a credit card to pay for a gift card?
Try a different Staples? I've had no issues using a credit card at Staples to buy a gift card.