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The Offer
- Staples is offering no purchase fees on $200 Mastercard gift cards in store
The Fine Print
- Valid 7/21-7/27
- Limit 1 per customer
Our Verdict
Make sure to use a card that earns at a high rate at office supply stores, there is also an amex offer.
Hat tip to GC Galore
View Comments (112)
Missed this one! The local Staples store was closing within a fortnight. Gift card rack purged of every card. Was gonna warn to make sure one didn't drive to a store not knowing a final closing was imminent, but was super busy.
Just realized yesterday after buying that Staples is no longer showing on my Dosh account. Seems like Staples & Dunkin Donuts got removed and replaced with JC Penney instead (at least in my area and another zip code in a different state that I bought VGCs at earlier this month)
Wow! And I was thinking why is it not working for me anymore? Staples isn't in Dosh is a really big deal. Will be missing it
I saw cashback from Staples up until 7/26 and then it disappeared on 7/27! This was sweet while it lasted. I'm sure they caught on to the game.
Same here. Staples $5 posted as pending yesterday and today it is not in Dosh.
First time in years that they are sold out (or management is hiding them for some reason). Last time I went there someone pulled the tabs off a bunch of cards, so I told the manager. Usually the store is fully stocked.
Purchasing a $200 MC gift card from staples using my amex everyday card did not trigger the $10 on $40+ amex offer nor the double MR points on staples purchases amex offer on the card.
I got it for all, 4-for-4.
Dammit, I've got 4x of that $10 Amex CB offers.
My Staples that usually doesn't care how many they sell had these behind the register... so i went last night and the cashier said one per customer.
I went again this morning and a new cashier sold me 6 no problem.
Wondering whats the best way to liquidate these Mastercard Gift cards..
Any good blender should work, they are not very thick.
Haha.. it surely did work :)
So I recently upgraded to a BCP and am working on reaching the minimum spend to get the offer. On my most recent trip to Staples, I added this $200 GC to my purchase.
Now that I have purchased the GC and read that Staples actually sends L3 data, I am wondering if this will void my welcome offer, or if it simply will not count. What if I spend over $1200? Will that count?
Your $200 Staples purchase will not count towards the $1,000 MSR, but will not cancel out your $1,000 organic spend either. Amex looks at it like this: $1,200 total spend -$200 GC = $1,000 organic spend = BCP welcome offer NOT voided.
Perfect! Thanks, Superman.
Has anyone had success with Dosh 3% credit posting? Back in May they posted. Today no pending message.
There was 2 day delay before it posted as pending. Usually its posts as pending immediately after the purchase.
Dosh has been 100% loyal to me for both Kroger and Staples. I'm almost $200 in cash back from Dosh this summer which is a sweet deal.
I actually just got the pending message. Will update if it posts.
The Staples offer posted. Got a sweet $5 back.
Today the Staples where I routinely buy 10 cards at a time said their new policy is one card per credit card. This sucks but I'll try the other Staples tomorrow to see what's up there. Hope this is a temporary change. (Oops, shoulda read the other posts here before posting)
You're more likely to be able to do multiples on the first day than later in the week. At least that's what I've always found.
I walked out with 5 on day 1 and just 1 yesterday... no big deal... I'll easily hit $25k with CIC before my 1 year is up to max out 5x UR points:)
Hope you're right in this case but I've never had a problem at this store in years
My staples gotten so strict the employee has to call and the let the manager know even 1 gc if being purchased.
These MCs qualify for the 1% rate on Plastiq, if you don't want to mess with pressing buttons at your favorite Walmart.
Thanks for pointing it out. That's what I just found out, and I was surprised to see 1% fee. Is this just a promotion running by Plastiq? Can we pay mortgage using these mc giftcards?
1% is the normal rate on debit cards. It does not work on the variable $500 MCGC from places like (I use FFD on that instead) but sometimes works on $100s and $200s from places like Lowes, Staples, and the grocery stores.I always like MCGC because I can use them to pay mortgage.