[Expired] Staples: No Purchase Fee On $200 Mastercard Gift Cards (7/21-7/27)

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The Offer

Direct link to offer (page 5)

  • Staples is offering no purchase fees on $200 Mastercard gift cards in store

The Fine Print

  • Valid 7/21-7/27
  • Limit 1 per customer

Our Verdict

Make sure to use a card that earns at a high rate at office supply stores, there is also an amex offer.

Hat tip to GC Galore

View Comments (112)

  • Missed this one! The local Staples store was closing within a fortnight. Gift card rack purged of every card. Was gonna warn to make sure one didn't drive to a store not knowing a final closing was imminent, but was super busy.

  • Just realized yesterday after buying that Staples is no longer showing on my Dosh account. Seems like Staples & Dunkin Donuts got removed and replaced with JC Penney instead (at least in my area and another zip code in a different state that I bought VGCs at earlier this month)

    • Wow! And I was thinking why is it not working for me anymore? Staples isn't in Dosh is a really big deal. Will be missing it

      • I saw cashback from Staples up until 7/26 and then it disappeared on 7/27! This was sweet while it lasted. I'm sure they caught on to the game.

    • Same here. Staples $5 posted as pending yesterday and today it is not in Dosh.

  • First time in years that they are sold out (or management is hiding them for some reason). Last time I went there someone pulled the tabs off a bunch of cards, so I told the manager. Usually the store is fully stocked.

  • Purchasing a $200 MC gift card from staples using my amex everyday card did not trigger the $10 on $40+ amex offer nor the double MR points on staples purchases amex offer on the card.

  • My Staples that usually doesn't care how many they sell had these behind the register... so i went last night and the cashier said one per customer.
    I went again this morning and a new cashier sold me 6 no problem.

  • So I recently upgraded to a BCP and am working on reaching the minimum spend to get the offer. On my most recent trip to Staples, I added this $200 GC to my purchase.

    Now that I have purchased the GC and read that Staples actually sends L3 data, I am wondering if this will void my welcome offer, or if it simply will not count. What if I spend over $1200? Will that count?

    • Your $200 Staples purchase will not count towards the $1,000 MSR, but will not cancel out your $1,000 organic spend either. Amex looks at it like this: $1,200 total spend -$200 GC = $1,000 organic spend = BCP welcome offer NOT voided.

  • Has anyone had success with Dosh 3% credit posting? Back in May they posted. Today no pending message.

    • There was 2 day delay before it posted as pending. Usually its posts as pending immediately after the purchase.

    • Dosh has been 100% loyal to me for both Kroger and Staples. I'm almost $200 in cash back from Dosh this summer which is a sweet deal.

  • Today the Staples where I routinely buy 10 cards at a time said their new policy is one card per credit card. This sucks but I'll try the other Staples tomorrow to see what's up there. Hope this is a temporary change. (Oops, shoulda read the other posts here before posting)

    • You're more likely to be able to do multiples on the first day than later in the week. At least that's what I've always found.

      • I walked out with 5 on day 1 and just 1 yesterday... no big deal... I'll easily hit $25k with CIC before my 1 year is up to max out 5x UR points:)

        • My staples gotten so strict the employee has to call and the let the manager know even 1 gc if being purchased.

  • These MCs qualify for the 1% rate on Plastiq, if you don't want to mess with pressing buttons at your favorite Walmart.

    • Thanks for pointing it out. That's what I just found out, and I was surprised to see 1% fee. Is this just a promotion running by Plastiq? Can we pay mortgage using these mc giftcards?

      • 1% is the normal rate on debit cards. It does not work on the variable $500 MCGC from places like Giftcards.com (I use FFD on that instead) but sometimes works on $100s and $200s from places like Lowes, Staples, and the grocery stores.I always like MCGC because I can use them to pay mortgage.