[Expired] Subscribe To Wall Street Journal For Two Months For $1 & Get 1,000 United Miles

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The Offer

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  • United is offering 1,000 United miles when you purchase a two-month Wall Street Journal subscription

The Fine Print

  • Increased Miles Earning: Extra miles will be issued based on an eligible Member’s purchase of a subscription to The Wall Street Journal, starting with one (1) two month trial subscription for $1.00.
  • The trial subscription purchase must be made between November 12, 2017 at 12:01am Eastern Time through 11:59 pm Eastern Time on November 16, 2017 and must remain active (i.e., may not be cancelled) for at least 45 days.
  • There are no refunds of the $1.00 trial subscription fee.
  • If the Member does not cancel the trial subscription by the end of the two month trial subscription period, Member’s subscription will automatically convert to a monthly subscription, and Member’s credit card will be charged based on the terms found on the WSJ offer page (please see the link in the email above).
  • Offer is limited to one (1) trial subscription per United MileagePlus account number. Please see the MileagePlus Shopping mall site for details on product eligibility and/or any coupon code details or other usage restrictions.
  • Void where prohibited by law.

Our Verdict

$1 for 1,000 United miles is a good deal, but keep in mind you need to keep the subscription for at least 45 days and after the two month period they automatically convert you to a monthly subscription. They are betting on the fact that you will forget to cancel. If you’re doing this deal and don’t want to keep the WSJ subscription, please make sure you set up reminders to cancel otherwise they win.

View Comments (27)

  • Just wondering if anyone else keeps getting $1 pre-auth charges from WSJ AFTER already paying the $1 trial? I use Mint.com and every few days I see a new pending $1 pre-auth charge from WSJ.. that seems to usually drop off after a day or two. And the original $1 charge has already cleared weeks ago. Just thought it was strange that I keep seeing additional $1 pre-approval charged by WSJ and WTF is going on L:/

  • came here to ask whats the number to cancel. didnt see it in the post. it'd be nice if doc included that info up there since most all of us are on that path when we do these offers.

    anyways, I believe this is still the current # to cancel subscription 1-(800)-Journal (568-7625) for the lazy.

    lastly, not sure why doc chose the 1k offers (other airlines like AS, SW etc were offering that too acc to cashbackmonitor - and AA still is)... but SB was offering $15 which was (and still is) a much better deal IMO. so if someone happens to stumble across this post and hasnt done this offer yet, you could hit up SB.

    p.s. if you do the SB WSJ offer, could you lemme know if your SBs showed up pending asap? mine didnt & I hope they auto post within the 45 day pend timeframe. otherwise will have to fire up a ticket to support.

    • [removed link, please do not post your referral links unless it's stated you're allowed to]

      Use that link to download that app

    • there's an app called privacy download that link your bank and make a virtual card for $2 and use that number mine went through. that app is like a one time use credit card number

  • 2 months would be January 14th if purchased today (Nov 14th), correct? Then 45 days would be December 29th. So if you buy it today, set reminders between Dec 29th and Jan 14th to ensure that you get it properly cancelled.

  • You have to call in to cancel, often waiting on hold. I recently had a quarterly subscription. I called to cancel 1 day after the charge hit my credit card and they refused to refund me for the quarter even when I told them that I intended to dispute the charge.

    I disputed the charge with Amex and am awaiting the result.

    • I did this recently with CBS All-Access and the dispute went in my favor. Was certainly not intending to take it that far, but I have no problems disputing it when the entire business model revolves around keeping the money from the first month that you forget to cancel. In my case they screwed something up and gave me 2 accounts - I had cancelled on one account but they still charged the 2nd account.

      FWIW, in the past I was able to get WSJ to refund that 1st month charge after I asked to talk to a supervisor.

      In the future, I won't be messing with these deals unless I set a reminder.

  • Also, if you have Citi or Capital One or another card, create a virtual account number so they can't charge you later.

  • I did a WSJ trial back in September for $5 cashback and canceled it sometime in October.

    Would I be eligible for this offer? It does seem like a good deal.. 1,000 miles for $1? Thanks

      • yeah I decided to just give it a try. To be extra safe.. I used a different cc.. and different address even lol. It should work now.