[Expired] Swych: 5% Off Appliance Giftcards, 13.6% Off Lowe’s + 5x

Deal has expired and is no longer being offered. View more Swych deals here.

There were a few issues with this promotion when we originally posted it. Those have now all been fixed and the promotion has been reactivated, so we are reposting it.

The Offer

  • Swych is offering 5% off an appliance day gift card, up to $200 in value. This can be swyched to any of the following gift cards: JCP, Sears, Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Lowe’s. If you choose Lowes you get a further 10% bonus (e.g $200 becomes $220 total, works out to be 13.6% off total). This means you can get a $220 Lowes giftcard for $190. You must use promo code 18LABORS

The Fine Print

  • Works for existing users and new users
  • Works for gift sending only (no self gifting)
  • Limit 2 per user

Our Verdict

A real added plus here is the credit card bonus angle:  the Chase INK card has been earning 5x when paying with Paypal on Swych. The deal is obviously best when purchasing Lowe’s gift cards.

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