Deal has expired, view more Target deals by clicking here
Just a reminder this goes live today
The Offer
- Target is offering 10% off Target gift cards this coming Sunday, December 8th ($300 maximum)
The Fine Print
- The gift cards bought on this deal can be used beginning 12/9/19 at 10am central (not for immediate use)
- Minimum $10 Target gift card purchase required
- Limit one transaction up to $300 on
Our Verdict
Discover has 5% back this quarter as well. This will stack nicely to pay for items using the 20% discount coupon if you have one of those.
Should work online and in store, as in the past. Online you’re limited to one transactions; in-store there’s no stated limitation, though the store can obviously limit you if they choose.
View Comments (90)
Does Target code as department store at Citi for 5% on Citi Dividend?
Anyone bought physical card instead of the e-GC? Which one is safer?
Is it possible to use venmo debit on this 10% off Target deal and get 5% cashback in addition to the 10%? I don't have freedom or discover.
Does Target provide any protection for their store GC if one buys directly through If funds get fraudulently drained would Target refund the money?
I have the same question/.
@guest_854806 @guest_854922 Target is not required to provide any protection. They may refund the money in their discretion -- or not.
Your best protection against fraud is to spread the risk by dividing your purchase into $10 cards -- the god of Target helps those who help themselves.
P1 paid with Paypal ok, P2 paid with Paypal had been canceled, then tried Discover got canceled again. Maybe because of 1 limited per household.
Just went to Target and bought $300 GC for $270 with self checkout. It's not advertised in store. Thanks DOC!
It was advertised in my store. But the cashier said they were having problems with their gift card system, so I didn't buy the GC in-store; I bought them online instead.
can we still use target gift card to purchase any third party gift card including phone cards?
Anyone tried recently? Cashier or self-check out?
I think freedom has 5% with chase pay by Samsung pay in target, which is better than discover 5%. Not sure why nobody mentioned this.
Discover 5% is better because you can use freedom for paypal TRANSFERS with a 3% fee, supposing you haven't used up limits for both cards.
Bought $300 online and paid via Paypal w/ Chase Freedom for 5% back :)
Is Discover 5% valid online or in-store only? It says Target, which makes me think Target is in-store and Walmart is online.
The terms on Discover's website say "Target purchases include any purchase made online at, through the Target app, or in-store at Target."
i.e., it's the opposite: if it says Target I would assume it means both in-store and online, vs., means only online.
In store and online for this year. However, 2020 Q4 is when it'll be online only for Target.
Do target gc still has the issue of being hacked easily as it did in the past?