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Target Up & Up Flushable Wipes Settlement
If you purchased Up & Up Flushable Toddler Wipes at any U.S. Target store between April 18th, 2010 & October 31st, 2014 then you’re eligible for a class action settlement. The lawsuit alleged that these wipes were not flushable, Target has denied any wrongdoing but has decided to settle this matter. The settlement is as follows:
- Without proof of purchase you can receive a gift card for no more than 20 units ($27)
- With proof of purchase you can receive a gift card in the amount of $1.35 per unit without any limitation on the number of units
You can also receive coupons instead of gift cards (up to 20 units, remainder will be in gift cards). If providing proof of purchase it must include the purchase price, the date and place of purchase.
File A Claim
To file a claim, submit your details here. If you don’t want to file a claim you need to request an exclusion, by filing a claim then you forgo your rights to sue Target for this issue.
Important Dates
• Deadline for returning Proof of Claim: September 7, 2018
• Deadline for requesting exclusion: July 9, 2018
• Deadline for requesting exclusion: July 9, 2018
• Deadline for submitting Fee and Expense Application: June 23, 2018
• Deadline for submitting notice of intention to appear at Hearing on Final Approval of Settlement: June 26, 2018
• Hearing on Final Approval of Settlement: August 7, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.
Our Verdict
This should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway. If you didn’t purchase these products, please do not file a claim. That is fraud and also makes no proof of purchase settlements less likely in the future. Do not do this. That being said I suspect a lot of readers did purchase this product and I know I certainly don’t keep receipts from 5 years ago (well at all for this type of product).
Hat tip to Class Action Rebates, reader Aaron L & Dans Deals
View Comments (15)
"You are a member of the Settlement class if you reside in the United States and bought
Up & Up Flushable Toddler Wipes at any U.S. Target Store from April 18, 2010 through
October 31, 2014."
They should have this listed on their front page. Instead it's in their Q&A section.
WARNING: Claim form page is not secure/encrypted! Up to you if that matters. It's very easy nowadays to set up proper encryption so there's no excuse for this.
There's no such thing as a flush-able wipe. They're all just a bunch of stopped up pipes and septic tanks waiting to happen :P
The site for submitting your info isn't secure!!!
Oh no! Someone could get access to information that's already publicly available!
Is anyone else thinking what im thinking?
I am. I wonder if DoC's thinking the same too.
Yes but I believe Shakira is married
If you're wondering how anyone listens to Florida Georgia Line and finds it enjoyable, then yes.
Get out of my head! I had to smile and nod politely while someone who can have me fired played four or five of their songs, extolling their virtues and marveling at the fact that I wasn't already a fan. Threw up in my mouth a little, but kept smiling.
I wonder if I can claim the 6k I spent after my tenant flushed these and ruined my plumbing.
I think your claim would be against the tenant, not Target. He would then have his own claim against Target if they truly weren't flushable.
I'm not a fan of class action lawsuits, even less so for those that don't require any proof of purchase to participate. It just invites fraud.
That's why most landlords require liability insurance.
For the lazy, this is what Up & Up Flushable Toddler Wipes looks like
I remember these.....when we had the girls, we bought them all the time. Thanks Doc.