Deal has ended, view more American Express spending offers by clicking here.
Update 8/26/24: More people targeted, this time with the 12/31/24 end date again. Offers seem awful. Hat tip to Xatos
Update 4/1/24: More people targeted.
Update 3/12/24: There is another variation with a 6/9/24 end date. Hat tip to reader TDD
The Offer
No direct link to offer
- American Express has sent out various spending offers that can be done three times and must be completed by 12/31/24
The Fine Print
- Valid until 12/31/24
Our Verdict
Offers vary by cardholder but most of them seem awful.
View Comments (62)
Got 5500 MR points for $5500 spend on biz plat
I miss the old days when they messed up MR and cash back on these types of offers.
5500 MR for $5500 spend on my BB+. Use 3 times. I'm ok with this.
I'll trade my offer for yours.
I got nothing on my BBP
Got 4000 MR for $16,000 spend 😂
This is back... but it's positively ludicrous. Have same offer showing on multiple Biz Gold, Biz Plat, and Biz Green. Spend $89,500+, get 22,500 MR points. Can be done 3 times, expires 12/31/24. @2 @6
Go charge a BMW 5 series!!!
Nah, I'm thinking split payment (6 tx) for a Huracan for that 1.5x /s
Awful indeed, in my inbox; "Earn 50 points after you spend $5,000 with your enrolled Card - up to 3 times"
if its 90 day expiry, you need to complete all 3 times within 90 days to get the full reward? so 5,000 points for $5,000 spend means spending $15,000 in 3 months to get maximum benefit?