Targeted AmEx Offer: $10/$15 off Cell Phone Bill Payment

You can see our introduction to AmEx offers here.

The Offer

Spend $75 to pay your AT&T, Sprint, Verizon or T-Mobile cell phone bill online and receive a statement credit. Some got a $15 credit offer, others got a $10 offer. Unlike most AmEx offers which can only be used once per card, this offer can be used up to 3 times; you’ll get the $10/$15 credit 3 times if you pay 3 bills of $75 each. You can  register multiple cards using the multi-tab trick and you’ll get the credit 3 times per registered  card. Offer valid until November 15,2014.

The basic offer is for online cell phone bill payments, but one Slickdeals member had the idea of loading a pre-paid cellphone online in the amount of $75. Sounds like a good idea, but we haven’t seen any confirmations of this working; it will depend whether pre-paid payments go through the same payment system as regular bill payments.

Another suggestion was mentioned for bills which are less than $75 to just go ahead and pay $75, and have the balance applied to the next month’s bill. This will depend whether the carrier’s payment system allows over-payment.

The Fine Print

  • This is a highly targeted offer on certain AmEx account. It can only be saved via your AmEx log-in; no Twitter, Facebook or Foursquare.
  • Card must be enrolled by August 15,2014. Offer can be used until November 15, 2014.
  • Statement credit will appear within 90 days.
  • Only eligible for AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile & Verizon.
  • $75 charge must be in one single charge, not cumulative.

Our Verdict

This sounds like a pretty good offer, if only it were available to everyone. The main two limitations here are that it’s very targeted and that you need to have  a $75 cell phone bill. I have access to a number of AmEx log-ins, and this offer was only in one of them. I do have a few cards in that log-in and I saved the offer on all of those cards, so I should be able to get some milage out of this deal. Hopefully, the rest of you will find it in your log-ins!