[Expired] [Targeted] AmEx Offer: Apple Pay, Make 5 Purchases & Earn $15

Deal has ended, view more apple pay deals by clicking here.

The Offer

No direct link, targeted offer

  • Get a one-time $15 statement credit by using your enrolled eligible Card to make five purchases using Apple Pay on your eligible mobile device by 11/30/2022

Our Verdict

Same deal as last year, although not sure if there is a 3 purchase/$10 variation or not. Should be a free $15 for those with access to Apple Pay.

View Comments (24)

  • Only showed up on my Delta Blue, nothing else on EDP, BCE, Gold, Plat, Green, Brilliant, Hilton.. Okay guess I'll take it

  • Paid bills five times in T-Mobile app, payment amount from $1.01 to $1.05, got offer used email after final transaction.
    This is the easiest way I can find. T-Mobile required minimum $1.01 payment, and can't have two same amount payment on same day.

  • Only showed up on Shwab Plat for me - nothing on BBP, SCB, BCP, or BCE.

    What's the easy button for this, ie what service allows $0.50 or $1 reloads with Apple Pay?

  • DP: bought five $5 Target gift cards in the Target app, one per transaction. Got "Great News!" email from Amex immediately after final transaction.

  • I think its better than last time, no minimum purchase amount mentioned. I can just do back to back 5 purchases and be done with it.

      • Same thing happened to me but it showed up today again. Had to add it again so check your new offers!

      • It wasn't showing on my account after adding either. I messaged CS and they said they could see the offer attached to my card

      • Same here. Just chatted with Amex Offers support and they said it's a technical issue. They confirmed the offer was added to my card and is active. So if you already added it to your card, you should be good to go. Otherwise, guess you'll have to wait to add it, or maybe chat with Amex support and see if they can add it manually?