Update 10/16/24: Deal is back this time spend $500 and get $75 back. Valid until 12/31/24.
The Offer
No direct link, targeted offer
- Get a one-time $50 statement credit by using your enrolled eligible card to spend a minimum of $300 in one or more purchases on pre-paid Delta Stays at Delta Stays online at travelextras-delta.com/Hotels by 12/31/2023
Our Verdict
This portal is powered by Expedia. Might be useful for some people but not a massive discount on hotels.
View more Amex offers here & if you have any questions about American Express offers then read this post.
- AmEx Offers: An Introduction & Profitable Examples
- How To Sign Up For Multiple American Express Sync Offers
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- What Happens When You Have Two Active AmEx Offers For The Same Store?
- Amex Offers: Do Electronic Wallets Trigger the Offer Credit?
View Comments (10)
Had it on my Amex Aspire, Got back $75 on a recent reservation. Came in handy since there are often no chain hotels in some of those very nice but more remote towns in Japan.
Bad deal if you are chasing elite nights with a brand. Unless you are gunning Delta Status.
got a $30 off of $300 in my platinum. This works better for me with minimal spend.
Worth looking into if someone is going to be booking an independent hotel through the end of the year. Sometimes, the Expedia/Delta Stays price on independent hotels is actually cheaper than booking direct.
would've been nice if on delta platinum
Got it on delta plat
Got it on my delta platinum. Nicely stacked with $150 annual credit
It's crazy that their check out page only allows visa and mastercard! Is it because I am visiting Brazil? smh
No they do accept amex, though I checked inside US. I try to avoid portal booking for international destinations, as most of the time these US travel portals do not exist in that country.
Last day to get 2x miles and 2,000 bonus miles for spending $200+ or 4,000 bonus miles for spending $400+