[Targeted] AmEx Offer: Spending Bonuses On Various Cards (E.g Spend $3,000+ And Get 3,000 Points x 3)

The Offer

No direct link, targeted offer, check your AmEx Offers

  • American Express has some targeted spending offers being shown in the AmEx Offers section. These offers vary by card/cardholder.

Sample offers:

  • Spend $3,000+ and get 3,000 Membership Rewards points, offer can be done up to 3 times.
  • Spend $5,500+ and get 1,500 Membership Rewards points, offer can be done up to 3 times.

The Fine Print

  • Must enroll first
  • Valid until 6/22/25

Our Verdict

How useful this deal is will depend on what card(s) you get it on and your own offer.

Hat tip to reader T

View Comments (26)

  • Clarifying question: it doesn't have to be 3k in one charge? It could be 100 charges 30 times and it would still give the bonus? Just wondering. I never know how to read these things. I know it says 1 or more charges, but I assumed that was if you were doing the bonus more than once.

  • I got the 3K spend for 3K MR points and I just see this as an additional bump in rewards to the points I already get. Considering it expires late June, I'll just forget about it and eventually see the points show up.

  • For those wondering what use this may have: if you are lucky enough to get the 1:1 deal (e.g. 3000 MR points for $3000 spend) you are effectively making this into a 2x earning card for everyday spend, good for medical payments, insurance payments or tax payments. You won't lose anything compared to using your 2x earning card on said payments (up to the maximum of this deal).

  • My Amex Business Gold has spend $8,500 receive 8500 points. Use up to 3 times. Matches nicely with my 200,000 point signup bonus.

  • 3000 MR on $3000 spend for BBP, which is actually not horrible for effectively 3x return on non-bonus spend.