[Expired] [Targeted] Chase Spend Offers on Freedom Unlimited, Southwest, Hyatt Cards

The Offer

No direct link, check your emails

  • Spend $500 on the Chase Freedom Unlimited card and get 5,000 bonus Ultimate Rewards points. Spend must be done between October 1 and November 1.
  • Spend $4,000 on Southwest business Premier and get 2,000 points. Spend must be done between 10/1 and 12/31.
  • Get 5x Hyatt points when using your World of Hyatt card for utilities, cable/internet, insurance, and cell. Max $2,000 gets the 5x earn. Valid between 10/1 and 12/31.

Our Verdict

The Freedom Unlimited 10x deal is a really sweet offer! We’ve added two other offers above, there may be more still out there. Let us know what you see.

You can also try checking mychasebonus.com to see if anything comes up.

Hat tip to p00pey

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