[Targeted] Citi Business American Airlines, NO 24 Month Language & Why To Care Even If You’re Not Targeted

The Offer

Targeted mail offer

  • CitiBusiness / AAdvantage Platinum Select card  is offering 60,000 miles after $3,000 in spend within the first three months.

The Fine Print

  • This is a targeted mail offer
  • Does not contain the 24 month restrictive language
  • Annual fee of $95 is waived the first year

Our Verdict

We posted about the 60,000 point personal offer yesterday. Didn’t realize that the business card also has the same targeted offer. The good thing is that you should be able to apply online for the 50,000 business offer and then request a match to the 60,000 mile offer. Keep in mind that the online offer has the following language:

This card is not available if the business already has a CitiBusiness® / AAdvantage® Platinum Select® World MasterCard® card. Bonus miles are not available if you have had any CitiBusiness® / AAdvantage® card opened or closed in the past 24 months.

But the targeted offer does not.

A few things to note:

Thanks to readers Elizabeth K & Red for sending this through.

View Comments (41)

  • Will I receive sign up bonus for BUSINESS AA card if I had personal AA card within the past 24 months?

  • I received a targeted offer for 60k in Feb, applied and approved.

    Is it possible to apply again after 95 days using the same invitation code, under a new business name, and get approved and the bonus again?

  • Dear Valued Customer,

    Thank you for your inquiry.

    We have added 10,000 miles to your account to match the offer that you

  • How exactly is an offered defined as "targeted"? I received a similar CitiBusiness AAdvantage offer, however it was via email. The link looks like a normal Citi application link. I don't see anything that identifies the application as only being available to me. What would stop others from applying via the same link? I read through the details and see no 24-month language also.

    • Targeted offers usually include a unique invitation code. If you are not prompted to enter this code prior to completing the application, it is most likely a public offer.

  • I received two targeted mailers for the 60K miles. I used one today and was auto-approved. The other has an offer end date in April. Will I be eligible to re-apply then and receive the bonus?

    Has anyone had a similar situation?

  • So I'm a little confused. Is there a link to a business offer without the 24-month wording? The link that I see still has the 24-month wording, and that you can't have a current business card. Or do you have to have a mail offer?

  • I have been successfully matched to 60,000 on both of my new AA Platinum cards and for the AA Business card plus my gf was also matched to one AA Platinum card (she got a hard denial for a 2nd AA non-24 card).
    Just send a message from your account (it can be difficult to find where to send the message from but play around until you find it) and select the card you want to be matched (if its more then one card, send a separate message after you get matched for the first card) and just write:
    Hi, i have seen a 60,000 offer for this card. can i please get matched? Thank you.
    it worked for us 4 times, that's 40,000 extra AA points good for one free way to Europe :-)

    • Update: initialy they approved the extra 10,000 on my Citi AA Business which i opened recently. But today i recieved this:

      Re: Sign up bonus

      02/11/17 12:00:58 AM

      Customer Service Wrote:

      Dear (.... .....)

      We received your request to apply the new account offer to your existing
      account. Our solicitations are used as a way to encourage new business
      or to offer an additional account to our customers. Therefore, we are
      unable to apply the incentives mentioned in your solicitation to your
      existing account.

      If you wish to discuss options that may be available on your existing
      account, please call us.

      If there is any way we can be of further assistance, please feel free to
      contact us.

  • Keep in mind - Citi will auto-decline your app for a business card if you have less than 60 months of credit history. I learned this the hard way when I applied for one of their cards last year.

    • Personal or business specific credit? I have 15 years of personal history and a legit, profit earning LLC that is 3 years old.

      • Just total personal history I believe. I called and they made mention of the month I opened my first credit card ever (pointing out that it was less than 60 months old)