The Offer
Offer sent out via e-mail, unknown subject line
- Citi is offering some Rewards+ cardholders the ability to upgrade to the Citi Premier card with the $95 annual fee waived the first year.
Our Verdict
When you do this product change you lose the 10% points back feature and also the round up feature, but gain the 3x earning rate of the Premier. Probably better to try to wait for an upgrade bonus as well as the annual fee waiver (although those have never been offered before).
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P2 got this on her Rewards+ card. I have a Premier card that the second year AF just hit on, and I was planning to convert it to another Custom Cash card, so I may take them up on the offer just to have a Premier card (although to be honest, I never use it). I have my own Rewards+ card, so I can just transfer any points she earns over to me to keep the 10%. This is obvious to folks here, but the Premier card is not a very attractive product. BofA gives you $100 incidental airline credit and free TSA/GE with their $95 card.
My last Premier got downgraded because Citi did not want to waive my annual fee. Now Citi is offering me (and P2) a free upgrade on a Rewards+ card. Citi also recently closed a TY Preferred card that was in the sock drawer for a while, and the points attached to that one are to be forfeit in 90 days.
If I take the upgrade, will that make me eligible to airline transfer the points from the closed card?
Though the TY partners don't look great to me right now. I could top of Avianca (hopefully they will survive the pandemic), or exchange for 1:1.2 for a Walmart GC.
You should be able to combine the TY accounts into one, so the points don't go away (although the CC account being closed may complicate things). Make sure that the phone numbers on the different TY accounts are the same.
I got it on my preferred